• Recent Papers

    • An overview of Stress

      This paper intends to provide an overview of different aspects of stress, including definition, dimensions, work and stress, environmental stress, effects of stress and more. There are eleven sources used in this eleven page paper. ... MORE

    • Second Chance Act of 2007 and Transition Programs

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of the transition programs for prisoners. This paper includes the Second Chance Act of 2007 and how it changed these programs. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Research Proposal to Increase Knowledge of Online Purchasing Processes

      Before buying a product or a service online consumers traverse a number of processes, identifying potential products or services, and potential suppliers. This 21 slide presentation is a proposal for research to increase knowledge regarding the way consumers develop preferences. The proposal is for the research to be undertaken using online hotel booking. The slides are provided with speaker notes. Five sources are cited in the bibliography of this seventeen page paper. ... MORE

    • Greek God Apollo's Influence on Ancient Greece

      This 5 page paper gives an overview of the Greek god Apollo. This paper includes what areas of life Apollo ruled over and how he was the prophetic and musical god. Bibliography list 2 sources. ... MORE

    • Nature vs. Nurture

      There are many theories about intelligence and there are some debates about it. Gardner proposed multiple intelligences while Sternberg proposed three aspects. Each is briefly discussed and the writer selects one that is applicable to self. The essay also discusses the impact of nature on intelligence and provides opinions on nurture vs. nature. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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