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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 10 page paper considers each of corporal punishment on children within a family environment. The paper spots by defining what is meant by corporal punishments and then goes on to consider the short and long-term consequences to those who suffer from corporal punishment. Issues considered include the physical, psychological and psychosocial results of corporal punishment on individuals, families and society as a home. The paper then goes on to consider some of the approaches which may be adopted in order to avoid the need for parents to use corporal punishment. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
This 16 page paper considers hat does criminal law history before 1850 tells us about the processes of change in the law and legal institutions. The paper looks at the period 1800 – 1850 and examines four areas of law and the justice system; capital and corporal punishment including the “Bloody Code”; imprisonment and transportation to Australia; juvenile and women Offenders and the fringes of criminality including vagrants, drunkards and prostitutes. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
This 7 page paper provides a look at spanking inclusive of studies that show a detrimental effect on a child's behavior. Alternatives to corporal punishment are discussed. Outline is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
8 pages in length. Hardly was there a time before society became so politically correct and oversensitive to the aspect of discipline that children were routinely swatted for misbehaving. Whether done with a belt, spatula or by hand, a child who defied established boundaries or spoke out of turn would learn a quick and painful lesson that - in theory - would deter the same misconduct from occurring again. Indeed, some children were either too stubborn or careless and earned subsequent spankings for treading on thin behavioral ice, however, this form of punishment was practically universal in its ability to teach children about wrong and right. Today, however, spanking is listed as corporal punishment and can send a parent or caregiver to jail. The climate of child discipline has become so hot that there is no middle ground where advocates and critics reside; you are either a heathen for laying a hand on your child or you are a spineless parent for failing to control inappropriate behavior. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 4 page paper argues against the practice and gives reasons why it is ineffective and should be abandoned. Bibliography lists 8 sources.