• Recent Papers

    • Overview of Childhood Obesity

      This research paper presents an extensive discussion of childhood obesity that addresses prevalence, the negative effects of overweight/obesity and interventions. Six pages in length, nine sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Boko Haram and Potential Charges by the ICC for Crimes Against Humanity

      This 8 page paper reviews the actions of Boko Haram in Nigeria and assesses the potential for criminal charges to be brought by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crime against humanity. The discussion includes consideration of jurisdiction, the classifications of charges that maybe brought, including considering the potential of claims for enslavement, sexual slavery, forced marriage, and enforced disappearance. The bibliography cites 12 sources. ... MORE

    • Hinduism and Buddhism

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of the two religions Buddhism and Hinduism. This paper includes a discussion of the similarities and differences between the two religions. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Leukemia Overview

      This research paper, which is associated with a power point presentation, khleukemia.ppt, offers a comprehensive overview of leukemia. Twelve pages in length, which includes one page for the table of contents and one page for a bulleted discussed of Findings/Points of Interest. The references page lists five sources. ... MORE

    • Pediatric Bipolar

      Bipolar Disorder dramatically changes a person's life and quality of life. It affects every part of the patient's life. There is very little research focusing on Bipolar Disorder in children and adolescents. This paper reports the definition of Bipolar Disorder, symptoms, diagnosis, causes, and treatment. There are seven sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

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