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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page paper discussing the birth-defect causing drug thalidomide prescribed to pregnant women as a sedative and defense against nausea. Despite the terrible problems it caused in the 1950s and early 1960s, the drug is being reintroduced for use in treatment of several diseases. Bibliography lists six sources.
A 5 page paper discussing the tetragenic effectiveness primarily of methyl bromide, which requires handling by certified individuals, and benomyl, a fungicide that until relatively recently was considered so safe that it has been used as a fruit wash to deter storage diseases in produce. They both are tetragens, substances that can cause birth defects when the mother ingests them during pregnancy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
5 pages in length. Considered by some to be nothing more than a veiled lack of responsibility, partial birth abortions have come to the forefront of controversy. As if abortion, in and of itself, was not a hot enough issue for debate, both the procedure and reasoning behind partial birth abortion are under fire. Women whose fetuses have known birth defects most commonly utilize this highly invasive procedure as a means by which to terminate the late-term pregnancy. After the baby is purposely turned in the breach position, the doctor pulls it down through the birth canal until the only part left inside the mother's body is the head, which legally maintains its fetus status. The brain is then suctioned out and the skull crushed before the body is completely expelled. Indeed, the primary arguments about this particular procedure revolve around the status of personhood, as well as the reasons to even employ such a horrific alternative. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 4 page paper discussing the benefits of screening children for physical vision defects from birth through early elementary years. The paper accompanies a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, which provides recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force urging vision screenings for children under the age of 5. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
7 pages in length. When the body/mind connection is placed in such a position of compromise as is the case during the natural occurrence of giving birth, there are times when the woman's emotional capacity during such tremendous hormonal change is compromised and she slips into postpartum depression. Unfortunately, the symptoms of insomnia, mood swings, fatigue and body weight changes are commonplace for women to experience after birth, which causes myriad women to go undiagnosed when they are in the throes of postpartum depression. Bibliography lists 9 sources.