Research Papers on Criminal Justice

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Research Proposal; Success Factors in Rehabilitation in Ugandan Prisons

    This 9 page paper is a research proposal to examine offender rehabilitation in Ugandan prisons. The paper is made up of a literature review, looking at prison issues and rehabilitation in Uganda along with relevant theories which may be used to assess their efficacy, the proposed hypotheses and a methodology. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Canada's Federal Penitentiaries and Searching Visitors, Cells, and Inmates

    A 7 page companion to a 22-slide PowerPoint presentation and separate Appendix file containing data tables and prison images. The project examines the practice of searching inmates, cells and visitors for the purpose of controlling drugs and other items of contraband. People have been quite creative in their efforts to get drugs inside prisons; a Canadian prison warden states that intercepting drugs and items that can be made into weapons is the greatest security problem in the Canadian prison system. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Design of a Victim Service Unit

    An 8 page paper and companion to a PowerPoint presentation discussing the findings of the research report, KScrimVictSrvcs.rtf. This is a presentation to department personnel, explaining to them what the researcher found and asking for their input in the design of the town’s own victim service unit. The paper consists of a “planning sheet,” presentation outline and presentation script. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Qualitative Criminology Research and the Importance of Sampling

    This is a 15 page paper that provides an overview of sampling. The importance of quantitative research in criminology is explored at length. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Managing and Treating Sexual Offenders

    This 60 page paper is a dissertation study of the treatment and management of sexual offenders. This paper relates the existing studies on this subject and makes some distinct conclusions on beneficial approaches. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • The Oklahoma Bombing

    This 5 page paper is a powerpoint presentation on the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh. This powerpoint presentation considers the role that other people played. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Time to Dig Out (Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper examines a case study entitled "Time to Dig Out," from a book called Criminal Justice Organizations. Questions posed by the case are answered. No additional sources cited.

  • Case Study Analysis: "Time To Dig Out"

    5 pages in length. As is typical of any economic controversy surrounding the profoundly overpopulated and costly penal system, there are those who support an immediate and significant reduction in funding for what has come to be little more than a warehousing system for social misfits who are ill-equipped to live within a civilized society. No bibliography.

  • Case Study, Pre-sentence Investigation Process

    A 3 page response paper to a list of questions concerns a case scenario involving the recommendation of a probation officer in regards to sentencing on a sexual offense. No bibliography provided.

  • Case Study Analyses in Criminal Justice

    This 5 page paper provides an analysis of two case studies in criminology. Both involve juveniles. REcommendations are made. Two risk assessment scales are used. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Case Analysis of the Exxon Valdez Alaskan Oil Spill

    10 pages in length. Case study of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Many catastrophic implications -- economic as well as with regard to public relations -- have been associated with the accident. This paper will provide an overall case study analysis pertinent to the situation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Morey Unit Hostage Incident

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of emergency preparedness in correctional facilities. The Morey Unit incident is used as a case study. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Female Sex Offenders and the Prison Environment

    This 7 page paper considers the issue of childhood sexual abuse and the increasing number of women who have been charged with this crime. This paper defines the largess of the problem, the increasing number of women in the prison setting who have committed sexual crimes against children and the need to define a treatment model that takes into consideration the causative factors and characteristics of female sex abusers. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sex Offenders and the Correctional System

    This 5 page paper discusses the conditions sexual offenders face in prison; treatment options; and the rate of criminal sexual offenses. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cyberspace Crimes and the Law

    This 9 page paper examines cybercrime and how the law is involved. This paper argues that while the law is important, it is sufficient. The problem with catching the criminals who participate in this type of activity is that technology in law enforcement is not up to par. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Post 1950 West and Marijuana

    An 11 page discussion of the history of marijuana usage in countries like Great Britain, Canada, and the U.S. since the mid part of the twentieth century. The author reviews some of the critical laws regarding marijuana usage, inclusive of the 2002 decision by Great Britain to lessen the criminal penalties for possession of marijuana and to in effect look the other way, to conclude that while countries like Great Britain and Canada are slowly preparing for the leap toward legalization, the U.S. is holding back and looking at the edge. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Economic and Social Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

    A 5 page paper which argues that by legalizing marijuana the country could not only make a great deal of money but also free up valuable prison space and save prison dollars. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Criminal Justice VI

    A 9 page paper in two parts. The first part, 3 pages, discusses the differences between juvenile and adult courts, and reviews some of the more effective means of waging the war on drugs. The second part of the paper is a brief presenting arguments both for and against legalization or decriminalization of marijuana. Part 2 makes no conclusion, but rather presents arguments used by those on both sides of the issue. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History and Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment

    A 5 page paper which examines the history of the death penalty and then discusses the pros and cons of the issue. Bibliography lists sources.

  • U.S., Standardized Laws, and Gun Control

    In 8 pages, the author discusses why there should be standardized laws regarding the purchase of guns across the nation. Gun laws from state to state differ considerably. This causes a number of problems. In one state a weapon in a vehicle must be in plain sight, while in another, the weapon must be hidden. Some states have stricter gun laws than other states, which can make it very dangerous for travelers of stricter areas when commuting to those areas that almost everyone is permitted to carry a gun. Because of the discrepancies between state laws, gunrunning, or the illegal transportation of weapons from one state to another, is also a problem. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Brothel Boy and Other Parables of the Law by Norval Morris

    The book is discussed in this 6 page review that addresses the topics of affirmative action and the penal system. Morris's opinions are highlighted. No additional sources cited.   

  • English Criminal Law's Function

    This 5 page paper discusses the statement The only De Facto function of the English criminal law is to achieve a minimum degree of conformity of behaviour to the laws expectation... the rest are purely academic'. The writer makes reference to English Law, but the arguments may be seen as universally valid. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • UK Criminal Law and the Intent to Kill

    A 14 page paper that discusses criminal law in the United Kingdom. Specifically, this paper discusses how the Court of Appeals have clarified the meaning of intention in terms of acts that cause grave bodily harm or death. Four cases are explained, R v Moloney; R V Hancock and Shankland; R v Nedrick; and R v Woollin. These cases of appeal worked to clarify the meaning of intention. Two hypothetical cases are then discussed for which the other four cases are used to determine if the defendants' actions met the requirements for mens rea. At this point, further cases from the Courts of Appeals are brought into the discussion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Legal Courtroom Visit

    A 5 page description of what the casual observer would encounter in a court of law. The author provides a general description of the courtroom and the various people who occupy it as well as the relative duties of these people. The popularized media version of the criminal justice system, versions reflected both in the fictional content of television and in the factual rendition of high-profile cases such as the O.J. Simpson case, is contrasted with the realities of the everyday local courtroom. No sources are listed.

  • Order, Law, and the Salem Witch Hunts

    This 12 page paper takes a thoughtful look at law and order, and whether or not society really metes out justice fairly. The Salem Witch hunts are looked at as an example of when society unfairly applied what it construed as justice. The unfairness of how women are treated in today's prisons is also another topic addressed in this paper that is chockfull of information and research. Sociological and philosophical perspectives are used to explore how society has tried to maintain order. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • US and New Jersey's Capital Punishment History

    A 10 page discussion of the history of the death penalty in the United States. Emphasizing the experiences in New Jersey and providing corresponding information for several other key states, the author of this paper concentrates on the key legal events and the controversy surrounding capital punishment. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • A US Prison Reform History

    This paper examines the history of both prisons and prison reform in the United States. The paper also discusses the effectiveness of incarceration as a tool for detering criminals, and examines what critics have said about prisons through the ages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Capital Punishment and Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish The Birth of the Prison

    A 6 page paper which provides a general overview and illustration of Michel Foucault's "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison." Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

  • An Overview and History of the Penitentiary at Alcatraz

    This 11 page paper provides an overview of this historic institution. Details on how it was constructed and how secure it had been are included . Information on attempts to break out of this high security prison are also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Philip Sugden's 'The Complete History of Jack the Ripper'

    A 3 page paper which provides a summary and review of "The Complete History of Jack the Ripper" by Philip Sugden. No additional sources cited.

  • Frank Serpico and Willie Stark

    This 5 page paper compares the real life Frank Serpico and the fictional Willie Stark who appears in All the King's Men. Corruption is the theme as they are compared and contrasted to one another. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Impact of Post-Release Service Programs on Housing and Employment Procurement for Ex-Cons Suffering From HIV/AIDS

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of the current literature related to the use of post-release programs for individuals who have been incarcerated because of crimes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • United Kingdom's System of Criminal Justice and Mental Illness

    This 10 page paper looks at the way the mentally ill are treated in the UK criminal justices system. The paper is a literature review for a larger study and includes the definition of mental illness, occurrence and type of mental disorders and the treatment of the mentally ill offenders under the law. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Managing and Treating Sexual Offenders

    This 60 page paper is a dissertation study of the treatment and management of sexual offenders. This paper relates the existing studies on this subject and makes some distinct conclusions on beneficial approaches. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Outline of Management Values

    A 4 page outline identifying themes of three scenarios of prison operation and staffing and arranging those themes into sections of values, ethics, shared vision and effectiveness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Inmate Luxuries and U.S. Prison System Problems

    In this 7 page paper, the writer argues that contemporary American prisons are made to be too comfortable and too accommodating. Prisoners are being entertained rather than being reformed. The hypocrisy of programs such as arts & crafts, music television, occasional live shows, and leisure sports are criticized. The 'prisoner's rights' movement is regarded as scaring too many jail systems into providing these amenities and a strong conclusion urges for a more reform-orientated change. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Recidivism and Sexual Offenders

    This 9 page paper examines the problem of sex crimes and recidivism. It suggests that laws like Jessica's Law have been largely unsuccessful in preventing recidivism and that more steps need to be taken to understand why sexual predators commit their crime and what should be done to stop them. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Criminality Theoretical Development

    6 pages in length. Understanding the fundamental reasons behind criminal behavior is based upon more than just a single theory; rather, criminal psychology recognizes myriad theories that help to define the various elements inherent to why certain people commit crimes while others do not. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Purposes of Criminal Justice

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the four principal purposes associated with the criminal justice system, which are deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and retribution. Examining the efficacy of each of these purposes reveals that their implementation in today's criminal justice system is seriously flawed, particularly in regards to the current focus of that system, which is on incapacitation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Operant Conditioning, B.F. Skinner, and Criminal Behavior

    A 5 page review of Skinner's theories and their application to criminology. This work has applications in many arenas. These include such diverse facets of our lives as learning and distinguishing right from wrong. Although Skinner has had many critics over the years, much of this criticism revolved a misunderstanding of the man and his theories. His work is, in fact, supported by many that both preceded and followed him in history and has many applications in criminal psychology in particular. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Bobby Joe Long

    3 pages in length. Bobby Joe Long may well have faded away into the chasm of undiscovered serial killers were it not for the blazing trail of evidence he inadvertently left behind the many scenes of his brutal crimes. Yet, there is some agreement among those in the psychology field that serial killers may knowingly be careless when it comes to the path of clues they allow law enforcement officials to find, inasmuch as part of their antisocial behavior is linked with the desire to be caught. For Long, it was a long and intricate road that finally led the law to his door, a culmination that occurred only after ten women were viciously raped and murdered, and two hundred more lived to remember their ordeal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • War and Escalation of Violence Such as Rape

    A 7 page discussion of the abhorrent trend or sexual violence in Bosnia and Rwanda during war. This paper examines that trend from the perspective of defining them as war crimes and acts of genocide. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Illegal Street Racing

    A 5 page research paper that looks at illegal street racing, how it is changed and how dangerous and widespread it has become. The writer discusses street racing in several cities, the penalties involved and efforts made to combat this illegal activity. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Incarceration, Probation, and Rates of Recidivism

    (Additional Information): 5 pages. Repeated studies have shown that probation plays little role in effectively communicating with drug treatment programs to ensure that offenders are in fact utilizing these programs in accordance with their probation. Bibliography has 1 source.

  • U.S., Standardized Laws, and Gun Control

    In 8 pages, the author discusses why there should be standardized laws regarding the purchase of guns across the nation. Gun laws from state to state differ considerably. This causes a number of problems. In one state a weapon in a vehicle must be in plain sight, while in another, the weapon must be hidden. Some states have stricter gun laws than other states, which can make it very dangerous for travelers of stricter areas when commuting to those areas that almost everyone is permitted to carry a gun. Because of the discrepancies between state laws, gunrunning, or the illegal transportation of weapons from one state to another, is also a problem. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Delinquency Topics

    This 4 page research paper addresses 4 topics pertaining to criminal behavior and theory, beginning with the neutralization theory of Matza and his associate Gresham Sykes, which describes how juveniles "drift" into delinquent behavior. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Stating a Case Against the Death Penalty

    This 3 page paper examines the death penalty. Both sides are presented but a strong argument is made for the abolition of the punishment in the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • England's Crime and Crime and Punishment from 1800 to 1850

    This 16 page paper considers hat does criminal law history before 1850 tells us about the processes of change in the law and legal institutions. The paper looks at the period 1800 – 1850 and examines four areas of law and the justice system; capital and corporal punishment including the “Bloody Code”; imprisonment and transportation to Australia; juvenile and women Offenders and the fringes of criminality including vagrants, drunkards and prostitutes. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Criminal Justice, Social Justice, and Morality

    This 10 page document is series of 4 small articles (and relevant bibliographies) concerning due process, corruption, use of excessive force by the police, and criminal justice administration.

  • The Nature and Purpose of Criminal Law

    This 4 page paper discusses criminal law; its functions; its sources; and how criminal responsibility can be limited. It also touches very briefly on the constitutional safeguards that limit the exercise of criminal law. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Criminal Law Considered in 4 Questions

    5 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses racketeering and money laundering, four components of the U.S. criminal justice system, community-oriented policing and constitutional protection of prisoner rights. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Criminal Justice I

    A 15 page paper in two parts. Part 1 discusses conflict vs consensus perspectives of the origin of criminal law and how the perspectives can affect social, legal and political policy. Part 2 lists 10 perceptions common in popular media (primarily television), followed by the reality of those impressions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Law Enforcement, Cultural diversity and Community

    This 9 page paper discusses the ramifications of integrating diversity training and cultural education into the criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Study:

    In ten pages this paper compares and contrasts the juvenile and adult court systems in a study that includes an overview of the juvenile justice system, point comparisons between juvenile and adult courts, pros and cons of juvenile court from a youth offender’s perspective, societal implications of abolishing juvenile court, and future juvenile justice system recommendations are also included. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Support for the Death Penalty

    An 8 page research paper that argues in favor of the death penalty. Capital punishment, i.e., the imposition of the death penalty, is one of the most divisive and controversial issues facing the country. The reasons that opponents to capital punishment cite for abolishing the death penalty, such as the number of death row inmates vindicated by DNA evidence, the disproportionate number of African Americans on death row, its failure to deter crime, etc. tend to monopolize the headlines. What is less well-known are the reasons why the majority of Americans still support the death penalty. This examination of this debate examines this factor and the rationale behind this stance. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • In Support of the Death Penalty

    A 6 page discussion of the need for the death penalty in modern society. The death penalty serves as a viable deterrent and solution for the increase in violent crimes our nation is fighting. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Does Animal Cruelty in Childhood Result in Violence in Adulthood

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of an experiment on the impacts of animal cruelty and hunting in childhood on adult criminal behaviors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Constitutional Rights, Early Arrest Phase, and Mandatory DNA Testing

    A 4 page contention that the collection of DNA during the earliest phases of an arrest is unacceptable. While DNA evidence is highly regarded as a phenomenal tool in the address of crime, to enact laws which allow the collection of DNA from an individual at this early of a stage in an arrest is a horrendous assault on our rights as U.S. citizens! Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Equality, Women, and the Criminal Justice System

    A 15 page examination of women in the criminal justice system and how their treatment is inferior to that received by men in the same situations. Bibliography lists fifteen sources.

  • Overcrowding in German Prisons

    A 5 page research paper that examines this topic. Not since the introduction of the German Prison Act, which occurred 25 years ago, has the German public been so skeptical concerning the rehabilitation of offenders into society ("Where is"). This problem is compounded by serious overcrowding in German prisons, which tends to create situations that exacerbate, rather then rehabilitate, the prison populations. This discussion looks at the problem of overcrowding in Germany prisons and the solutions that have been proposed thus far. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Female Sex Offenders and the Prison Environment

    This 7 page paper considers the issue of childhood sexual abuse and the increasing number of women who have been charged with this crime. This paper defines the largess of the problem, the increasing number of women in the prison setting who have committed sexual crimes against children and the need to define a treatment model that takes into consideration the causative factors and characteristics of female sex abusers. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Community Notification on Reported Sex Offenders

    This 15 page paper evaluates the problem of sex offenders that are released into the community. Megan's law along with similar legislation is discussed in depth. The problem of impinging on offenders' rights, as well as these laws having the opposite of the intended effect, are issues included. Statistics regarding recidivism are relayed. The paper supports community notification despite some arguments made to the contrary . Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A Profile of Serial Killer Ted Bundy

    This 7 page paper presents an overview of the life and experiences of Ted Bundy. How psychologists and sociologists evaluate his behavior is the focus of this paper. The conclusion drawn is that Bundy is a psychopath. Psychopathy is discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • White Collar Crime and Business

    A 9 page paper answering 10 discussion questions about corporate responsibility and conviction for white collar crime, as well as technocrime and which type is worse for the community. Other questions address law enforcement agencies and four crime theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Samuel Walker, the Wedding Cake, and Criminal Justice

    A 4 page paper which examines and discusses Samuel Walker’s theory of criminal justice as it involves the wedding cake. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Capital Punishment: Morally Acceptable And Effective Crime Deterrent

    12 pages in length. The debate over capital punishment is perhaps one of the most vehemently fought social, ethical and political disputes raging as strongly today as it has in decades past. The extent to which no definitive decision exists whereby capital punishment is deemed either right or wrong is both grand and far-reaching; that biblical advocacy and proven deterrence help to shift the benefit of this much contested action in the pro directions speaks to two issues that justify its usage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Identity Theft

    A 4 page research paper that discusses identity theft. The writer discusses what identity theft is; its incidence, its effects and what steps a consumer can take in self-protection. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Impact of Women in Law Enforcement

    In six pages this paper examines this topic in an overview that considers how the law enforcement profession has changed within the past three decades, how this has changed the community image of law enforcement, how fellow officers and deputies view the pros and cons of women officers, discusses possible preferential treatment and promotions, whether or not there is still ‘a glass ceiling,’ and what the future holds in store. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Mental Health Issues and Prison System Problems

    This 10 page paper examines correctional institutions and how they neglect mental health. Mental health is defined. Some solutions are explored. There is a decided focus on New York State facilities. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Alternative Punishments in the Justice System

    This 7 page paper discusses possible alternative punishments in the criminal justice system and victims’ likely reaction to them. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Miranda v Arizona Case, Due Process, and Miranda Rights

    (5 pp) A lot of us may only get crime information from television or movies, as we hear the television detective mumble something to the suspect, as he "cuffs 'em." What you are seeing and not hearing is the "Miranda rights." This discussion examines the definition, the history, and the importance of those rights. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Drug Testing and the Invasion of Privacy

    This 3 page paper argues that drug testing those arrested for federal crimes prior to the time they have bee convicted of those crimes is a violation of our right to privacy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • An Assessment of the Death Penalty

    This 4 page paper reviews the pros and cons of the death penalty. The argument is presented that an eye for an eye approach is what we need to solve today’s violent crime problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Death Penalty: Overview

    A 4 page paper which provides a general overview, along with the pros and cons, of the death penalty. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Programs To Reduce Recidivism

    A 3 page paper that reports some programs that have been shown to reduce recidivism. The writer includes a caveat: some programs work for some prisoners and not others, thus, there are no programs that will always reduce the rate of recidivism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Recidivism

    In 26 pages the author discusses the subject of recidivism, paying particular to recidivism among blacks in Baltimore, MD. 'The rate of recidivism is high when the problems of the incarcerated individual is not addressed properly. With the disproportionate number of Blacks arrested there is a high rate of recidivism in the Black criminal population of Baltimore, MD. The African-American is getting a bum rap. The criminal justice system gives minorities harsher treatment than others receive.' Bibliography lists 62 sources.

  • Overview of Serial Killers

    8 pages in length. Typically unassuming, intelligent and almost always the neighborhood nice guy, serial killers wear a convincing mask, never revealing what evil lurks within. Some of the most notorious mass-murderers in history -- Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, Albert DeSalvo, David Berkowitz, the Silver Gunman -- have employed a mixed bag of tricks to entice and entrap myriad unsuspecting victims which they brutally tortured and raped to ultimately kill and often dismember. The writer discusses the motivation behind serial killers, as well as addresses how such crimes affect society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy

    A 6 page research paper on the serial killer John Wayne Gacy who bears the dubious distinction of being America's most successful serial killer with a death total of 33 young males. The writer relates the latest information that the psychiatric community has pertaining to the motivation of men like Gacy and shows how this relates to Gacy's life. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Serial Killer Edmund Kemper III

    In 8 pages the author discusses serial killer Edmund Kemper, the Co-Ed Killer. Explanation from a causation perspective is delved into as what could have been done to stop this behavior. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Prisons and Jails Compared

    In this 5 page paper, the author discusses the differences and similarities between jails and prisons. Key comparisons are made. Bibliography included using 5 sources.

  • Overcrowding in Prisons

    In 12 pages, the author discusses the subject of overcrowding in prisons and jails, giving the reasons for overcrowding, how it is being coped with, the pros and cons, and the best of the various possible solutions for limiting the problem. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Inmate Luxuries and U.S. Prison System Problems

    In this 7 page paper, the writer argues that contemporary American prisons are made to be too comfortable and too accommodating. Prisoners are being entertained rather than being reformed. The hypocrisy of programs such as arts & crafts, music television, occasional live shows, and leisure sports are criticized. The 'prisoner's rights' movement is regarded as scaring too many jail systems into providing these amenities and a strong conclusion urges for a more reform-orientated change. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Prison Violence Problems and Solutions II

    5 pages in length. The author discusses the problem of prison violence and the solution for this problem, which is on the up-rise. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Criminal Recidivism

    5 pages in length. The author discusses environment, gang activity, lack of or ineffectual rehabilitation in prison, and inability to garner successful employment as proponents that contribute to the recidivism of criminals. No bibliography.

  • Wisconsin v. Mitchell and Hate Crimes

    This 10 page paper analyzes the controversial case of Wisconsin vs. Mitchell -- over a state statute which allowed longer sentences for people convicted of violating existing laws if they chose their victim because of race, religion, disability or sexual orientation. The writer analyzes the actual crimes as it was committed, the facts of the case, and litigation as it occurred at every level. Views of the American Civil Liberties Union and other organizations are expressed. Relevant legal and sociopolitical analysis follows. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Minorities and Prisons

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the inequities in the current criminal justice system based on assessments of prison populations. This paper assesses the conflicts that occur as a result of attempts to weigh the protection of public rights while also supporting the personal freedoms of individuals and the necessary equality in the application of the law. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • America's System of Justice and Women

    A 16 page research paper. The topic of women and the US Justice System is indeed a broad one, containing several aspects that cannot be ignored by any discussion of both the role of and the effects on women. It is necessary to look at women on each side of the judicial bench—how those in judging positions perform their duties and the contributions they make, and how those embroiled in legal issues common to women are faring today compared to past times. Also important is the fair and unbiased evaluation of the effects and the realized results of laws specific to women, such as sex discrimination of women and reforms of rape laws that have been in place in several jurisdictions for several years, while are still under discussion in others. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • White Collar Crime and the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    This 8 page research paper first offers the background and effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, describes white-collar crime, then explores theories of white-collar crime. Exxon's behaviors during and since the spill are related to the different theories. In every case, the writer finds that Exxon's actions cannot be considered anything but fitting into the descriptions inherent in the different theories. Bibliography included.

  • Case Analysis of the Exxon Valdez Alaskan Oil Spill

    10 pages in length. Case study of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Many catastrophic implications -- economic as well as with regard to public relations -- have been associated with the accident. This paper will provide an overall case study analysis pertinent to the situation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Crime, Justice, and Changing Lenses by Howard Zehr

    A 10 page paper that considers the major points presented in Zehr's book, especially the concept of restorative justice, and provides a critical analysis of his argument. Bibliography lists no additional sources.

  • Officer Down Code Three by Pierce R. Brooks

    This 5 page report discusses 'Officer Down Code Three' and shares the insights of this writer regarding the book. Numerous insights are offered regarding the larger world of police work and commented on as a part of the report. No bibliography.

  • Rate of Recidivism and Drug Use

    This 15 page paper provides support for the thesis that the rate of recidivism among juveniles who had committed crimes while on mind-altering drugs is higher than the rate for juveniles who committed crimes where mind altering drugs played no part. Statistics about crime, recidivism and drug use among juveniles are cited. Criminological theory is discussed in depth. The paper concludes with a synopsis and recommendations. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Dealth Penalty Discussion

    11 pages in length. Capital punishment was not only utilized as a painful means of death, but it was also a way of demonstrating one's mistakes in front of the community. It was a grand way in which the guilty not only paid for their crimes by forfeiting their lives, but it also served as a way to forcible inflict extreme humiliation while they suffered imminent death. The presumption was that those who witnessed such an act of barbaric magnitude would refrain from committing any such crimes themselves. It can easily be argued that the origins of capital punishment held a triple purpose: to kill the convicted by torturous measures; to maintain order within the community by way of intimidation; and to provide entertainment for the masses, as was such in Caligula's time. The writer discusses capital punishment as it relates to state and country involvement, methods, religious influence, current cases, legal criteria and pros & cons. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Prevalence of the Exclusionary Rule

    This five-page-paper presents a discussion that explores the exclusionary rule, the exception to that rule , and the alternative that was suggested by Chief Justice Burger. Several scenarios are suggested if he exclusionary rule were to be dropped. Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Situations of Domestic Violence and Changing Responses

    This 12 page paper addresses the issue of domestic violence, viewing it in historical perspective. The way in which situations are handled today is different than it was a decade or two ago. Several case studies are noted. The Shannon Doherty and O.J. Simpson cases, in respect to domestic violence, are referenced. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Gun Control

    In 7 pages, the author discusses gun control. The topic of gun control is not a new one. It has been the focus of the nation for years, and this focus is increasing. With the presidential primaries that have occurred as well as the general election in November, this topic has become more of a political one with the express views of the candidates being important to the citizenry. Some citizens are pro-gun control and others are anti-gun control. In the wake of all of the campaign information and the pro-gun vs. anti-gun proponents, however, one must understand that lives are continuing to be lost because of the lack of gun control in this nation. This is evidenced when picking up a magazine, journal, or newspaper today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Turnover of Correction Officers

    This 5 page paper examines the employment conditions for correctional officers, their high turn over rates and possible adaptations within the existing system which reduce high turn over rate. Texas DOC with 145,000 beds is used as a data base. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Frank Serpico and Willie Stark

    This 5 page paper compares the real life Frank Serpico and the fictional Willie Stark who appears in All the King's Men. Corruption is the theme as they are compared and contrasted to one another. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Brothel Boy and Other Parables of the Law by Norval Morris

    The book is discussed in this 6 page review that addresses the topics of affirmative action and the penal system. Morris's opinions are highlighted. No additional sources cited.   

  • Death Row Inmates and Responsibility of Society

    An 8 page paper that argues the thesis that society's taxpayers are obligated, both financially and morally, to support death row inmates as they await execution. Discussed are the main arguments that surround this issue and the views of both the proponents and the opposition are presented. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Analysis of a Kidnapping Case and Questions Involving Hijacking, Force, and Intent

    A 5 page paper that presents a kidnapping case analysis that examines the three questions of necessary intent, applied force, and what constitutes charges of hijacking within the criminal charge of kidnapping. These three questions are examined and answered in regard to applicable rule of law and a subsequent altered set of charges is offered. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


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