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5 pages in length. Grounded in the belief that a combination of education, food and fun is the perfect recipe for enlightenment, the Rainforest Café's primary objective is to teach its patrons about the importance of environmental preservation. The uniquely cultural atmosphere of its dozens of worldwide locations strives to imprint upon its guests the critical connection between human behavior and the swiftly disappearing rain forests. Given to the sights and sounds of a real rain forest thunderstorm every quarter hour, the animated antics of huge elephants towering just behind your seat and food servers adorned in authentic safari garb, diners are treated to an eclectic atmosphere of "amazingly lush surroundings, cascading waterfalls, and beautiful giant aquariums" (Anonymous, 2003) while savoring "fresh, original menu selections, influenced by the cuisines of Mexico, Asia and the Caribbean" (Anonymous, 2003). Bibliography lists 5 sources.