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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 10 page paper discussing five of the several ways that organizations can become international enterprises: export, startup, acquisition, joint ventures and franchising, and briefly examines the choice of approach made by Nortel when it expanded into the US from Canada two decades ago. The route chosen by Nortel was that of startup, but there were fewer choices workable then. There is no question that businesses today have far greater choices in how they will enter new international markets. Direct startup is viable only for the largest of companies now, but joint venturing has been used successfully by organizations of all sizes. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
This 5 page paper looks at the trade that takes place between India and Asia, considering the trade levels, the increase and influences in trade such as reduction in trade tariffs and considers why India may be an attractive export destination for Australian goods and looks at potential barriers. The last part of the paper considers the viability of exporting beef from Australia to India. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
A 5 page paper discussing the current issue of nuclear testing as it relates to India and Pakistan. It has been many years since any nuclear testing has been conducted in any part of the world and the recent tensions between India and Pakistan have apparently brought out the 'big guns.' On May 11, 1998 -- India tested three nuclear devices 328 feet underground in a remote desert and the tests go on from there. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Ind-paki.wps
This 3-page paper examines a logistics method of getting bottled water to tourists spots in southern India. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 7 page paper. The question was: What types of government programs or other assistance is available to start-up businesses? The writer discusses some of the many programs and the vast amount of information available for small business entrepreneurs through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Some of the programs discusses are the more than 75 Online courses that can be accessed. Some of the hundreds of publications available, such as the Startup Guide, the Small Business Management Series (SBA) Publications and the Success Series along with workbooks available for many of these courses. The essay also provides an overview of the SBA loan guaranty program. Bibliography lists 10 sources.