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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 5 page paper provides an introduction to the SERVQUAL method for measuring service quality. The paper identifies the dimensions and how it is used. The writer comments on the need for everyone in the organization to work towards high service quality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Companies providing services to consumers, such as in the tourism industry, need to understand where there may be gaps in the services that are provided and the services expected. This 3 page paper discusses 4 potential gaps considering the causes and potential solutions. These four gaps are the gap between a customer expectation and the expectations perceived by management, the Gap between the management perceptions and consumer expectations and the way it is translated into service quality specifications, the gap between service quality specifications and the delivery of those specifications to the customer and the gap between the service delivered to customers and the external communication about the service. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
This 11 page paper considers why the measurement of service quality is important in the tourism and hospitality industries and the way that both hard measures, looking at objective factors and soft measures that assess subjective elements of service should both be used. The paper then considers how subjective data can be collected and the usefulness of tools such as SERVQUAL. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of a teaching case study on the topic of service quality. Teaching notes and a historical assessment are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
An 8 page paper providing a literature review for the research questions identified in KSresConsHlth.rtf, “Researching Consumer Attitudes in Private Health Insurance.” The review addresses the topics of service quality, process flows and call center operation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.