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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page overview of several types of advanced machining processes, approaches that use non-traditional machining tools for non-traditional machining needs. Types of advanced processes briefly discussed include chemical and electrochemical machining; electrochemical grinding; electrical-discharge machining; laser-beam machining; electron machining; water-jet machining; and abrasive-jet machining. The paper also discusses the economics of these advanced machining processes. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
This 3 page paper discusses the book Mr. Pipes Comes to America by Douglas Bond. Bibliography lists 3 sources
3 pages in length. The last half of the nineteenth century was a time of significant political growing pangs. As a means by which to address the concerns that had sprouted up throughout the previous decades, the country's officials decided to implement what was termed political machines: a well-oiled operation that, some feel, took advantage of immigrant labor workers and the rest of America. While these political machines were initially created in order for politicians to gain a more solid voter following, it also served to undermine the very integrity upon which America had been established. Indeed, the only people who stood to benefit from the outcome of political machines were the ones who held a significantly higher social status. The writer discusses political machines as they relate to the late nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A 3 page paper which examines H.G. Wells’ novel The Time Machine as it involves Time and time travel. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 2.5 page paper continues the case study of Frigidaire's new front-loading washing machine. The essay begins with an overview of market segmentation and an outline of market research the company has that segments the market. The writer then recommends positioning strategies for marketing this new machine. Bibliography lists 1 sources.