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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 3 page overview of the various types of energy. This paper delineates renewable energy from non-renewable energy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
5 pages in length. With fossil fuels inching their way out of existence within the next century, there is a great need for alternative and renewable energy sources. Solar energy meets all the criteria, because it is renewable and available to everyone across the globe. The writer discusses the pros and cons of solar power, as well as offers economic comparisons with traditional energy sources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A 4 page research paper that discusses how wind power can meet the world's need for renewable energy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A 3 page paper which examines elements of energy concerns such as where energy (gas etc.) goes after use and renewable resources. Bibliography lists 1 source.
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of renewable energy. Arguments for the necessity of renewable energy are explored. Bibliography lists 0 sources.