Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
The Forest Biome
This 10 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying notes. The presentation looks at temperate forest biomes, giving general background on biomes to place the temperate forest biome in the broader context, looks at the characteristics and gives examples of different types of symbiotic relationships and compares this to a freshwater biome which may boarder with it. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Hypoxia in the Ocean
Hypoxia is the serious phenomenon of water bodies suffering depletion in oxygen levels. This 7 page paper explains what hypoxia is, how it occurs including the impact of issues such as water mix, temperature and pollutions with nutrients before looking at the results of hypoxia. The paper is made up of 4 pages of text followed by three pages with PowerPoint slides for a presentation on the subject. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Parkinsons and the Media
This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of the media's perspective on Parkinson's disease. Media sources are compared to scientific articles in the context of a Power Point presentation. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Overview on the History of Dental Fillings
An 8 page discussion of the history of dental fillings. Traces the filling from ancient times to
present exploring the various types of materials which were used. Explains that the choice of filling is related to performance but also to availability and cost. Notes that the evolutionary path of fillings is tied as well to the evolutionary paths of other dentistry aspects such as drill evolution and the development of molding techniques and materials. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Aloe's History and Use
A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Cooperation History and Evolution
This 6 page paper critically evaluates the statement that evolution is the history of co-operation. This is discussed from the perspective of evolutionary biology and looks at many types of organisms form soil bacterium through to bees and human life. The occurrence of cooperation and reasons for its’ occurrence and the way in which it is ensured, The paper also considers different types of cooperation before reaching a conclusion. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
A Review of Literature Regarding Cotton Harvest Aids
16 pages. This is an extensive literature review on the topic of harvest aid chemicals and timings on cottonseed that are to be re-used for planting purposes. Some topics included are the cool/warm vigor index, seed index, and chemicals used. Bibliography includes 30 sources.
Pest Management Integration Benefits
5 pages. The purpose of integrated pest management is to utilize the management of destruction by pests to crops and other agriculture with as little damage to the environment as possible. By using a system of integration we can cut down on the harmful chemicals and poisons that often harm the ecological balance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Field of Biopsychology
This 5 page paper discusses the field of biopsychology, as well as the connection between it and ADD. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Enzyme Rubisco and Cellular Transport
A 4 page discussion of the function of the enzyme rubisco in regard to its importance in plant photosynthesis. The author describes the enzyme, detailing a molecular composition which enables it to interact with and be impacted by environmental constituents such as heat, carbon dioxide, and inactive rubisco. This same molecular composition plays an important role in the binding process which allows the enzyme to be transported throughout plant tissue. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Cross Membrane Transport and Molecular Mixtures in Joe Alper's Article 'Drug Delivery Breaching the Membrane'
A 5 page review of “Drug Delivery: Breaching the Membrane”, an article by Joe Alper published in the May 3, 2002 edition of “Science”. Alper’s (2002) research concentrates on the cell membrane and the manner in which cross-membrane transport occurs, specifically the manner in which membrane-bound protein transporters function to allow various nutrients and hormones across. Alper’s paper adds insight to both the structure and function of the cell membrane and its components and how each relates to the molecular structure of the body’s complex mixture of chemicals. No additional sources are listed.
Hypoxia in the Ocean
Hypoxia is the serious phenomenon of water bodies suffering depletion in oxygen levels. This 7 page paper explains what hypoxia is, how it occurs including the impact of issues such as water mix, temperature and pollutions with nutrients before looking at the results of hypoxia. The paper is made up of 4 pages of text followed by three pages with PowerPoint slides for a presentation on the subject. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Misunderstanding Homosexuality and Gay Relationships from Psychological, Biological, and Social Perspectives:
In seven pages this paper examines the impetus for the gay riots and subsequent Gay Revolution that took place in June-July 1969 at Greenwich Village’s Stonewall Inn as chronicled in David Carter’s Stonewall and also examines the misunderstandings associated with homosexuality and gay relationships from biological, psychological, and social perspectives. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.
The Biological, Psychological, and Social Obstacles to Understanding Transsexuality
In five pages this paper examines transsexuality within biological, psychological, and social contexts with references to Joyce Meyerowitz’s How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States and George Chauncey’s Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Makings of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940, with the theme of misunderstanding transsexualism also addressed within the context of Sigmund Freud’s essay, ‘Sexual Aberrations.’ There are no additional sources listed in the bibliography.
Children's Neurology and the Effects of Music
A 10 page research paper that explores the impact of music on the neurology of children. The writer explores research that addresses benefits derived from music instruction and also the neurological impact of listening to music. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Christian Theology and Evolution
A 7 page research paper that examines whether or not Christian theology can accommodate scientific theories about the evolution. The writer, citing the emerging science of chaos and complexity theory, argues that science and theology can be reconciled. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Chemical Structure of Water
A 6 page description of water. The author details the chemical structure of water and how this structure determines its
behavior in response to temperature and in response to other substances. A brief history on temperature measurement with specifics of the
distinction between the Fahrenheit scale, the Celsius scale, and the Kelvin scale is provided as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of Nucleic Acids, Structure, and Function
A 7 page research paper on nucleic acids. There are two nucleic acids -- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)--that provide the "blue prints" or templates for building all of the hundreds of thousands of proteins required by the bodies of living organisms. This paper provides a basic introduction into their structure and function. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Biological Functions of Lipids
This 7 page paper examines lipids, what they are and their constituent fatty acids. The paper discusses the chemical structure of the fatty acids and the various lipids as well as where they are found and their functions. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Amino Acids, Proteins and Cell Structure
This 4 page paper explores the importance of amino acids as well as the structure of the eukaryotic cells. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Streptococcus mutans and Acid Tolerance
A 14 page discussion of the physiological mechanism employed by this species of oral bacteria which allow it to exist in the rapidly fluctuating pH levels of the human mouth. The author details how the cellular membrane of the organism is critical in this process, selectively allowing protons to pass out of the cell and preventing them from passing into the cell. This ability allows S. mutans a selective advantage. Acidogenicity (the ability to generate acid) and acidurance (the ability to function in an acidic environment) are the primary physiological traits of this organism which make it such an important factor in the production of dental caries as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Complications of Medicinal Herbs and Their Impact Upon Dentistry
A 5 page overview of the potential medicinal value of herbs. This paper emphasizes that benefit can be overshadowed by negative impacts when these drugs are combined with others or taken in high concentration such as in herbal tea. The author provides brief notes on aloe, echinacea, feverfew, garlic, ginger, gingko biloba, ginseng, goldenseal, and Saint John’s Wort. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
A Look at Chameleons
A 5 page overview of the group of animals we know as chameleons. The author provides a specific phylogenetic classification of these animals from Kingdom to Species, noting the similarities in evolutionary pattern with other vertebrates and distinguishing the chameleon from other lizards on the basis of key taxonomic criteria. A discussion of the ecology of the group as a whole is presented as is a brief notation on the endangered status of one specific example of this group, Chamaeleo belalandaensis. A detailed explanation of how and why the chameleon changes color is included as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Genetic Diversity and Extinction
This 5 page paper considers the question of whether extinction is a necessary part of the survival of the species. The question of whether extinction of certain species will inherently reduce genetic diversity has been at the center of recent debates. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Hawaiian Island's Monk Seal Endangered Species
7 pages. The Hawaiian monk seal is an endangered species. There are only six breeding locations left in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This paper will focus on how and why the population has begun to decline and the problem of genetic variability in some of the breeding populations which inevitably leads to problems within the species. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Religious Diversity, Biology, and Memes
A 12 page research paper that examines a variety of questions concerning biology and current ideas about how it interacts with religion. Topics explored include memes and the work of Susan Blackmore, Consilience by Edward O. Wilson, the work of Gould and Wolfram, and more. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Nurture Wins in the Nature versus Nurture Debate
A 3 page research paper/essay that examines the nature v. nurture debate and argues in favor of nurture. The "nature versus nurture" debate has been going on now for over a century, as it began in the nineteenth century when a cousin of Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, came up with the idea of "improving" the human race through "selective breeding" (Hogenboom 1402). Since that time the pendulum has swung back and forth with either "nature" (that is, the influence of inherited traits) or "nurture" (the influence of the environment) being predominant among scholars. However, considering the latest research, the indications are that nurture is more important than nature in making us who and what we are. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Honey Bee's Behavior and Evolution
This 20 page paper looks at the evolution and behavior of the honey bee and why it is significant in the scheme of things. How this bee provides an example of how the world is ordered is explored. The argument from design is provided as well. It is suggested that the honey bee's behavior and makeup is so precise that it is reasonable to assume there was a designer. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Debating Shoeing Horses
A 3 page paper discussing the implications of shoeing horses. The bottom line appears to be that shoes are beneficial in offering protection where it is needed and in correcting existing hoof problems, but that all horses do not need to be routinely shoed without assessing the conditions in which they live and work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Pig Embryos' Ossification Sequence Study
This is a 5 page paper which is an example of the formate of a research paper. The topic of this example is the study of the ossification sequence in pig embryos.
The bibliography has 3 sources.
Trinucleotide Expansion in Huntington's Disease
A 3 page overview of the trinucleotide expansions within the huntingtin protein that result in the extension of polyQ-encoding repeats. Bibliography lists sources.
Comparing Solar Cells with Plant Cells
A 4 page research paper that discusses the similarities and differences between solar cells and plant cells, that is, the process of photosynthesis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Human Brain's Recognition of Objects
This 5 page paper considers the complex subject of how objects are recognised by the human brain. The paper starts with the concept of structural decomposition and recognition by components and then moves onto the ideas of Humphrey and multiple view theories. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Soil and Photosynthesis Significance in the Growth of Plants
A 6 page review of the importance of soil and photosynthesis to plant growth. The
author identifies the nutrients of concern for plants as well as other environmental parameters that can affect their growth. Bibliography lists 8
Overview of Photosynthesis
A 5 page overview of photosynthesis. This paper provides a brief history of the early discoveries that were relevant to photosynthesis, an overview of the limiting factors affecting it, an outline of the light and dark processes, modern representations of photosynthesis, and a recap of the value of photosynthesis in nature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Answers to five questions concering Photosynthesis and Other Topics
A 4 page research paper that offers brief answers to 5 science questions. Topics covered include photosynthesis (why it's vital to life); what other source of energy could life have used (hydrothermals); lipids; difference between organic and inorganic molecules and difference between dominant and recessive genes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Photosynthesis: Definition and Process
A 3 page overview of photosynthesis and its important to plants and the world as a whole. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Differences In The Way A Mammalian Cell And Yeast Cells Coordinate Cell Growth And Cell-Cycle Progression
This 3 page paper summarizes an article by Colon and Raff (2003) entitled “Differences in the way a mammalian cell and yeast cells coordinate cell growth and cell-cycle progression” which looks at the role of cell check points and the importance of extracellular signalling for mammalian cells when researched with the use of Schwamm cells. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Emergence The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software by Steven Johnson
A 5 page book review that offers a summation of the major points of Steven Johnson's text Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software (2001). This is a fascinating book that offers its readers insight into the latest paradigm on how the natural world is organized. According to this radical perspective, complex adaptive systems (such as ant colonies-- or large cities) provide examples of complex order emerging from a series of small-scale interactions. No additional sources cited.
Aquatic to Terrestrial Transitions in Plant Evolution
This 3 page paper considers the various adaptations that were needed in order for plants to move from the seas to land. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Biology from Philosophical Perspectives
This 8 page paper relates the concept of the developmental challenge relative the philosophical perspectives on biology. In particular, this paper considers whether genic selectionists are guilty of ignoring the developmental process, and as a result, this paper outlines the developmental systems theory as a part of this argument. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Avian Flu 2
This 10 page paper examines the occurrence and reporting of bird flu cases. The paper starts by looking at the different reports from the World Health Organization and what data is contained in the reports, how it is collected and the barriers to effective collection. The paper then looks at the spread and mortality rate of the disease and trends in the way the disease is spread in different patients, considering age, gender and locations, the paper also looks at the current research. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
“Chimpanzee Politics”
An 8 page overview of the many similarities that exist between humans and chimps when it comes to group dynamics. Using the book by Frans De Waal as a reference, this paper highlights how chimp group dynamics share more similarities than they do differences with politics in American government. No additional sources are listed.
History of Cloning
A 5 page paper discussing the history of cloning and the untimely death of Millie, the first cow to be cloned in the US. Cloning has reached the point at which protocol is set and there is no anticipated reason that researchers could not produce a human clone. We have reached the brink of ethics, however, and it is yet unclear whether science should proceed. This debate forms the core of discussion surrounding cloning today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Reducing Green House Gas Emissions in Irish Dairy Farming
There is little doubt that green house gases need to be reduced. This 15 page paper summarizes an article that assesses the potential of different dairy herd management systems to reduce the direct and indirect green house gas emissions. The reseach also looked at the impact on profit levels. The paper summarises the findings of the reseach and then offers a neutral opinion on the reseach. The bibliography cites 1 source.
DNA Replication
A 9 page paper which examines DNA replication. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
DNA - Protein Interactions: An Overview
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of DNA - protein interactions. Views of protein synthesis and DNA replication are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Evidence for Evolution
A 3 page overview of the theory of evolution. This paper outlines the usefulness of the fossil record, biogeography, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and molecular biology as evidence that evolution is a valid concept. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Evolution of Language
This 7 page report discusses human biology and human language and the ways in which language has evolved in human beings and the biological foundations of such evolution. The argument being presented is that human language is unique in virtually all characteristics and must be seen as part of the advanced development of human cognition and the social nature of the species. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Fingerprint Analysis and the Scientific Method
This 4 page paper discusses the formation of friction skin; it also defines the scientific method and how it is applied to fingerprint analysis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Notch Protein Linked With Alzhiemer's Disease
This 8 page paper examines the potential link between Notch protein and Alzheimer’s disease. The paper looks at the symptoms and biological characteristics of Alzheimer’s and roles of amyloid precursor protein (APP), the presenilin proteins and amyloid beta proteins. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Biochemistry of Creatine Phosphate
A 5 page research paper that discusses the biochemistry of creatine phosphate, a crucial element in the production of muscle energy. The writer discusses its function, structure, and pathways. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Article Review on Bioremediation
A 3 page review of a December 2003 interview of Dr. Barbara Methe, the collaborative investigator at the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and Dr. Derek Lovely, the head of the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) microbiology department. These researchers clarify the benefits of using bacteria, especially the Geobacter bacteria, in the cleanup of hazardous waste. No additional sources are listed.
Networks And The Science Of Interconnectivity
This 3 page paper outlines the way in which network and interconnectivity may be studied. The paper starts by looking at different forms of networks and the way that interconnectivity is seen. The influences on the way networks operate and the links with modern technology are also explored. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Article Analysis: Evolutionary Biology and Human Health
This 3 page paper analyzes an article that reports on an October, 2007 conference on human health and evolutionary biology. Bibliography lists 1 source.
The Phenomenon Known as Ageing
An overview of the phenomenon of ageing from a biochemical perspective, looking at the programmed and random damage theories and the ways in which these might be approached in order to take into account both genetic and stochastic causes of ageing. Bibliography lists 5 sources
'Yellow Rocket' and Alfalfa and 'Yellow Rocket'
This 6 page report discusses the interaction between alfalfa crops and a common weed. The weed chosen for examination is Barbarea vulgaris, most commonly known as 'yellow rocket.' Yellow rocket is usually biennial or perennial with some plants flowering, setting seed and dying after their first growing season; reproducing only by seed but the seeds are notable for their ability to germinate with minimal soil requirements. Yellow rocket and other weeds reduce alfalfa production during establishment by competing with and choking out young alfalfa seedlings, invade established alfalfa fields, and reducing forage quality and yield. Several aspects of intervention and eradication are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Brain Response/Males & Aggression
A 10 page research paper that examines research on brain chemistry and aggression that differentiates between the responses of males and females. This review of literature examines research that pertains to brain research and the neurotransmitters in the brain that have been shown to affect aggressive behavior. This body of data suggests that there are a discernible differences between the response of males and females to aggression and competitiveness that can be traced to differences in brain chemistry. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Stem Cell Research/Not an Ethical Issue
A 6 page research paper/essay that argues that embryonic stem cells research is ethical. The writer bases this argument on the facts of reproduction and also presents the supposition that the real issue here is not stem cell research, per se, but the movement against abortion. The details of stem cell research are presented, along with relevant arguments supporting it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Genetically Modified Food
A 6 page discussion of this technology. This paper defines this technology, lists some of its applications, and discusses the controversy surrounding it. Bibliography lists 5 sources
Favoring Stem Cells
This 6 page paper explains what stem cells are, their potential for healing human diseases, and why they are controversial to some. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Parkinson's Disease Research
This is a 9 page paper that provides an overview of the research process. Each step of the research process is documented, including an annotated bibliography, using Parkinson's disease as an example. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Aloe's History and Use
A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Regenerating Limbs of the Urodele Amphibians
10 pages in length. Urodele amphibians hold a unique place within the scheme of biological diversity, in that unlike other living creatures they have the ability to regenerate their limbs. That various parts of the body can also be regenerated, such as the jaw, lens, retina, spinal cord and much of the heart, speaks to the notion that urodele amphibians are significantly more biologically advanced than virtually all other species known to man. The distinction between young and adult urodeles is that the adults possess the ability to regenerate their lost anatomical structures. Epimorphosis is the scientific term that describes the rebirth of cellular structure in order to develop a missing limb. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Amphibian Mortality Caused by Chytridiomycosis
A 5 page paper that discusses the causes of the dramatic decrease in the numbers of amphibians in Australia and Central America. The essay describes a study conducted by a group of scientists who not only found the cause of the declining population but who discovered a new fungus. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Overview of the Canis Lupus Species
A 6 page overview of the behavior, ecology, and management concerns which exist for this fascinating carnivore. The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is not only one of the most impressive of the large North American mammals it is also one of the most misunderstood. Recent conservation efforts have been successful in reviving an almost extinct population but this success has not been without its problems. As wolf populations expand their threat to man, whether perceived or real, grows. This paper emphasizes that proper management of the gray wolf involves not just species specific management but ecosystem management as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Cross Membrane Transport and Molecular Mixtures in Joe Alper's Article 'Drug Delivery Breaching the Membrane'
A 5 page review of “Drug Delivery: Breaching the Membrane”, an article by Joe Alper published in the May 3, 2002 edition of “Science”. Alper’s (2002) research concentrates on the cell membrane and the manner in which cross-membrane transport occurs, specifically the manner in which membrane-bound protein transporters function to allow various nutrients and hormones across. Alper’s paper adds insight to both the structure and function of the cell membrane and its components and how each relates to the molecular structure of the body’s complex mixture of chemicals. No additional sources are listed.
Gram Positive Bacteria and Microbiology: Gram-Positive Bacteria Cells
This is a 3 page paper discussing Gram-positive bacteria. In the study of microbiology, common Gram-positive bacteria cells are Straphlyococcus aureus or Streptococcus cremoris often used in dairy production. Gram-positive bacteria are considered distinct in their multiple layered cell walls almost made up entirely of peptidoglycan. Gram-positive bacteria have four associated families which include Bacillaceae, Micrococcaceae, Mycobacteriaceae, and Peptococcaceae all of which vary in their growth rates, motility, and the media on which they grow. In addition, some Gram-positive bacteria have the ability to produce specific biochemical activities and/or specific toxins. Because of this, Gram-positive bacteria are sometimes used for fermentation, the reduction of nitrate or the production of coagulase or catalase among other uses.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Defense Mechanism of Nicotine
A 5 page paper discussing the phytochemical nicotine. More than 50,000 phytochemicals have been identified in angiosperms; nicotine is only one. It appears to have evolved as a protection device against herbivores, bacteria and fungi, but the struggle that farmers make against tobacco hornworm and blue mold indicate that nicotine is not always successful as a deterrent against attack. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Osmosis Defined
This 5 page report discusses and explains
the concept of osmosis which is how one element or
ingredient of a solution flows through a membrane while
other components of a solutuon are shut out and unable to
pass through the membrane. In order to determine which
membranes allow the flow of which constituents of a solution
requires experimentation since not all membranes act the
same way. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Stephen Jay Gould Panda's Thumb
This 5 page paper reviews this intriguing collection of essays by the controversial scientist Stephen Jay Gould. Evolution is discussed. No additional sources cited.
Detrimental Aspects of Phosphates
(5 pp) As an average person, I don't think that I
get any dirty than most, yet the other day I did
agree to help some friends move into a new
apartment, and the majority of me was filthy, to
the max. I decided that it was time to use one of
the super-duper television-type detergents to get
the various types of crud out of my clothes.
Don't buy any soap with phosphates in it - one of
my roomies cautioned. Why, I asked. She gave me
the -like, what planet are you from look, and I
decided to see what her concern was as the basis
for this paper of humans and the environment.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Insights into Bacteria - Quorum Sensing
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of Dr. Bonnie Bassler's accomplishments. The insights into bacterial quorum sensing are emphasized. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Overview of Pneumonia
A 3 page overview of pneumonia. Pneumonia can be caused by a variety of factors. These include both bacterial and viral organisms. The epidemiology of each of these organisms vary as does the specifics of the treatment regime. One of the most important aspects of dealing with pneumonia is prevention. Prevention is especially important for community acquired pneumonia. Effective prevention requires accurate diagnosis of the cases that do exist, isolation of infected patients, and strict attention to hygiene both by the patient and by those that move between patients. While antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial pneumonia, treatment for viral pneumonia is normally supportive in nature. Bibliography
lists 3 sources.
The Process of Making Protein
This 5 page paper considers the existing research that has been undertaken in converting non-protein nitrogen into protein. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Three Lethal Diseases
A 10 page overview of three potentially fatal diseases. Includes their effects on cattle and man as well as discussions on possible treatment methodologies and preventions. Outlines research efforts to develop vaccines and gives an overview of the different types of legislation which has evolved in response to the threat of these and other diseases. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Single Cell Protein Success
A 3 page paper which discusses how the single cell
protein has been called an instant 30 year success. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Scholastic Performance and Sleep Deprivation
A 4 page research paper that examines circadian rhythms and sleep deprivation in regards to the student tradition of "all nighters" in order to cram for tests. The writer argues that research shows this practice to be detrimental to academic performance and explains the scientific facts behind this assessment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Mold Growth and Environmental Conditions
This 5 page paper is representative of a typical science fair report that might be submitted with a science fair project. It is written on a middle school level. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Smoking and Loss of Hearing Correlation
A 6 page paper investigating the relation of hearing loss to cigarette smoking. Hearing loss and smoking would appear not to be related physically, given the information we have about the effects of smoking. The purpose here is to review the few studies that have been done and to draw some conclusions about the possible relationship. Research shows that it may be that hearing loss and smoking are closely related, not in biochemical relations but in the common environments in which both exist simultaneously. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The G-Spot, Real or Myth?
A 5 page research paper that presents evidence that refutes the existence of the G-spot. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Considerations in Stem Cell Research
A 3 page discussion of the most recent developments in stem cell research. These developments are accentuated by the discovery of the potential utility of amniotic stem cells. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Animal and Plant Evolutionary Examples
A 7 page overview of the marvels of evolution as reflected in six very different representatives of the plant and animal kingdom. This paper notes the lessons mankind might learn from birds, insects, and even the lowly parasitic worms as well as food crops such as corn, medicinal plants such as foxglove, and ornamentals such as the exotic water hyacinth. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Male Mice Singing to Female Mice as Ultrasonic Music to Their Ears
5 pages in length. In Ultrasonic Songs of Male Mice, Timothy E. Holy and Zhongsheng Guo seek to determine the extent to which male mice emit ultrasonic songs when in the vicinity of female mice. They discover, through scientific methodology, the conditions upon which this occurs, the varied nature of syllables used and the vastly superior scale upon which these songs are delivered. The hypothesis, therefore, seeks to determine the equivalency to what equates to song, as well as the level of diversity with regard to the individual male mouse, which results indicate a "small but significant difference in syllable usage and the temporal structure of their songs" (Holy et al, 2005, p. 386), suggesting how mice communication may hold myriad more complexity than has been understood. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Short Petjolule Type Soybean Genetic Analysis
5 pages in length. In this particular scientific analysis, the researchers sought to either prove or disprove the incidence of short-petjolule type soybean plants relative to that of a recessive gene that exists within the hereditary composition. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Overview of Howler Monkeys
10 pages in length. Howler monkeys face an uncertain future with regard to species survival. The tree-dwelling, fruit-eating primates who are indigenous to Central and South America make their home far within the rain forest, where they have been met with significant hardship and population decline on account of mankind's ongoing deforestation and logging pursuits. With little if any regard for the life forms that comprise the forest's diversity, man is slowly but surely sealing the coffin on a number of animal species as he continues to demolish their delicate living area, and the howler monkey is just one whose existence is threatened. People like ethologist Robert Horwich have set in motion conservation efforts that will aid the species' eventual survival. The writer discusses deforestation, logging and conservation efforts in relation to the howler monkey. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
A 10 page analysis of biologists Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene in which Dawkins proposes a theory of natural selection that encompasses all human behavior. This theory maintains that the process of natural selection actually works at the level of the gene. Dawkins is, above all else, a Darwinist and the basis for his theory is really quite elegant in its simplicity. Life's complex evolutionary path can be accounted for, according to Dawkins, by simply examining the ways in which genes preserve their own existence by promoting behaviors and characteristics that increase their chances of survival into the next generation. No additional sources cited.
Cleaning Dentures
5 pages in length. Maintaining one's own teeth is certainly a preferable alternative to having dentures; however, when the time comes to make such a decision, there are a number of considerations to be made beyond merely the fit. If dentures are not properly cleansed on a regular basis, this can lead to the same type of oral decay found in those without dentures. Denture cleansers are manufactured to help continue the process of good oral hygiene by effectively removing the build up of debris from prosthetic dental appliances. Powder, tablet or paste, the choice of material is solely a personal decision based upon past experience and preference. The write discusses various aspects of denture cleansers. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview on the History of Dental Fillings
An 8 page discussion of the history of dental fillings. Traces the filling from ancient times to
present exploring the various types of materials which were used. Explains that the choice of filling is related to performance but also to availability and cost. Notes that the evolutionary path of fillings is tied as well to the evolutionary paths of other dentistry aspects such as drill evolution and the development of molding techniques and materials. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Probability of UFOs
A 9 page paper that argues that life on other planets, and therefore the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, is not only possible but also probable. Discussed are the 1947 events surrounding what has become known as the Roswell Incident and the private sector interest and investigation into the existence of UFOs that stemmed from this incident. Included are the arguments of those who believe that the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life is a probability as well as the arguments of those who dispute this theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.