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6 pages in length. Adjusting one's life to the inherent struggles of ADHD is not specific to the individual who suffers from the learning disability; rather, the need to develop coping mechanisms branches out to virtually every person with whom the individual comes in contact, not the least of which includes parents, siblings, non-familial adults and peers. This is particular pertinent with adolescent ADHD, in that during this period of life the young adult is compelled to deal with psychological, physiological and hormonal changes that make the focus-zapping disability an even greater challenge to endure. The extent to which issues such as scholastic difficulty and low self-esteem are a constant presence in the life of an ADHD adolescent are both grand and far-reaching; that specially modified approaches to learning must be approached in order to reach the ADHD adolescent speaks to the shattering of old-school mentality claiming these young adults simply cannot be reached. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
This is a 9 page paper including abstract that discusses Maslow’s holistic-dynamic theory of personality. Personality has been studied in regards to various psychological approaches including psychoanalytical theories, learning theories, dispositional theories and humanistic psychology theories among others. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) developed theories of personality from a humanistic psychological standpoint. His holistic-dynamic theory of personality advocates that individuals require the fulfillment of certain fundamental needs in order to develop their personality and use their intelligence efficiently, acquire higher functioning and problem solving proficiently. Basic needs consisted of safety, love and respect. A more complex hierarchy of needs addressed the more comprehensive concepts of belongingness, esteem, self-esteem and self-actualization among others. Without the gratification of having these fundamental needs met, individuals will suffer frustration and eventually psychological “sickness”. Within the work environment, individuals experience boredom, lack of energy, low self-esteem and personal and professional problems seems insurmountable. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
8 pages in length. There are a number of variables that are pertinent to an individual's sense of self-esteem. Attaining a healthy self-perception is arguably one of the most difficult and ongoing of life tasks, in that it depends not only on intrinsic sources but also external environmental stimulation. From parental methods to school to social interaction, the extent to which children from infancy through late childhood develop self-esteem encompasses several elements. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 10 page paper is a research proposal to determine the correlations between self esteem, self-monitoring and social phobia. Social phobia is also called social anxiety. Sections include: abstract; introduction/background, including hypothesis; review of the literature and methodology. Specific social phobia screening and self esteem assessment instruments are discussed. The literature review discusses incidence, symptoms, and treatment interventions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
This 20 page paper provides an overview of self-awareness theory and considers why self-awareness does not necessarily correspond with self-esteem. Bibliography lists 18 sources.