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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 7 page paper that begins with a scenario of a conflict in a hypothetical work team. This is a situation where there are negative behaviors and underlying tension and conflict rather than a two-sided or other type of conflict. The paper draws on the ideas of Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith's book, Resolving Conflicts at Work. The writer also comments on different approaches to conflict management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
5 pages. When an organization implements change of any type there is bound to be conflict. This is especially true when changing from individual-based work to the team approach to management. This paper points out the possible conflicts that arise when implementing teams and how to circumvent those problems before they get out of hand. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 7-page paper discusses questions pertaining to learning teams, effectiveness, problem solving and conflict management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 3 page paper looks at what is meant by a successful project team, the benefits and costs associated with successful project teams and what it takes for the team to be successful, including the support from management and the balancing of conflicting pressures by the team leader.