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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page paper discussing the potential benefit of using the equivalent of the social network within an organization. Dell has IdeaStorm; Starbucks operates My Starbucks Idea; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland uses one to share information internally. A specific-use network modeled after a purely social network can be of direct benefit to the organization supporting and providing it. Idea exchange can result in knowledge greater than the sum of its information parts, and the social network setting provides a venue for that exchange. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
This 7 page paper examines social networking sites and discusses government's role in stopping terrorism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 7-page paper discusses the ethics of various social networking situations, as they pertain to businesses. Bibliography lists 1 source.
12 pages in length. The role that social networks have played in China's transition from a centrally planned to a market economy speaks to the nation's ever-changing political, economic and social landscape. The concept of social networks, otherwise known as Guanxi, "is among the most important, talked about, and studied phenomena in China today [that] lies at the heart of China's social order, its economic structure, and its changing institutional landscape" (Description). While some contend that such tremendous change is responsible for modifying the fundamental basis of Chinese heritage, other believe that understanding the underlying motivation behind the vast and far-reaching implications of such significant change is instrumental to realizing how important social networks are with regard to contemporary China. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
This 22 page paper considers the potential impact that social networking may have on a non profit organization. After an introduction the paper considers three different methodologies before choosing one, and then looks at what is meant by social networking and the way it is undertaken and influencing society already. The paper then moves on to a consequence analysis, discuses the way it will impact in planning by looking at soft systems methodology and finally considering ethical implications. The bibliography cites 17 sources.