Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Part One of Faust by Goethe
A 3 page essay that examines Goethe's Faust, Part I and argues that while it is Faust who is the presumed genius, the man of letters and learning and Margaret, his love, is but a simple peasant girl, it is Margaret who has learned from her experiences at the end of Goethe's Faust, Part I, not the learned doctor. This is evidenced by Faust's continued association with the devil, Mephistopheles, while Margaret rejects them both, repents, and is, therefore, taken to heaven. No additional sources cited.
Death in Venice and Him with His Foot in His Mouth
This 12 page paper discusses the characters of Gustav von Aschenbach in Death in Venice and Doctor Shawmut in Him with His Foot in His Mouth. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mallarme, Baudelaire and Goethe
This 4 page paper discusses the poem “Afternoon of a Faun” by Mallarme; and the poem “Correspondences” by Baudelaire; and how these two symbolic works compare to Goethe’s works. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Frank Wedekind's Spring's Awakening
A 5 page review of Frank Wedekind's play on teen sexuality, teen pregnancy and teen suicide. The writer posits that, as Wedekind so aptly points out, reliance on religious and other overtures in a society that is bourgeois in nature can only lead to destruction.
American Contributions of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allen Poe made contributions to America that went far beyond the contribution of his literature contributions. He supported both literature and art, and educating American minds. In doing so, he helped establish a number of magazines and newspapers as well as the American literary and art scene. These contributions greatly assisted the American public and establish American art and literature, as well as assisting Poe hone his own art. 5 works cited. jvPoepro.rtf
Tragic Themes in Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, Sophocles' Antigone and William Shakespeare's Macbeth
This 5 page report discusses the common themes that exist in these three works of literature. Great tragic literature carries with it certain common themes that define it as tragedy and which then allows the reader to understand that there is a greater story being outlined than just the one of the characters presented in a single story. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Franz Kafka's The Judgment and The Stoker and the Son's Role
Kafka is attributed with saying that psychology does not matter and that the world takes on the form it is supposed to eventually, despite analysis. Yet, all of Kafka’s work delivers undertones of psychology in Freudian analyses of the human spirit within life’s circumstances. Freed (1996) attributes Kafka’s neurotic and psychotic characters to the fact that Kafka had an unwavering respect for the dream state and that the rich reservoir of the subconscious is why Kafka’s stories reflect both Freudian and existentialist elements. At the same time, Freed does not dismiss the truth that Kafka viewed his father as tyrannical.... 8 references. jvKafPsy.rtf
Supernatural and Dreams in The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann and The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
This is a 5 page paper discussing the references of dreams and the supernatural in Mikhail Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” and Thomas Mann’s “The Magic Mountain”. Mikhail Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita” and Thomas Mann’s “The Magic Mountain” both contain references to dream sequences to allow the characters to escape or mask the reality of life which surrounds them. In “The Master and Margarita”, Bulgakov uses dreams sequences and references to supernatural elements to allow the characters to speak about the underground world of the secret police. As characters are taken for questioning, the details of the abductions by “them” are made possible by the unreality and the distance provided by dreams. In addition, references to the supernatural such as “the Devil” also invoke memories of ancient taboos in society which are known to be punished. Mann’s central character Hans in “The Magic Mountain” has various dreams, daydreams and “vision quests” which allow the character to escape the routine and reality of his life. Already escaping somewhat to the sanatorium in the mountains, Hans has drug and fever induced dreams in which he gains more insight into the actions of man and offers him more freedom and confidence in his own decisions in life.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Power Like Faustus
A 3 page paper. Marlowe wrote Doctor Faustus sometimes between 1588 and 1592. This paper identifies the major themes in the play along with the possible additions by other writers. The wrwiter considers what absolute power did to Faustus and what it can do to persons in our society. The writer also comments on what legitimizes our own achievements. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Frank Wedekind's Spring's Awakening
A 5 page review of Frank Wedekind's play on teen sexuality, teen pregnancy and teen suicide. The writer posits that, as Wedekind so aptly points out, reliance on religious and other overtures in a society that is bourgeois in nature can only lead to destruction.
Soul Torn Between Mephistopheles and Gretchen in Faust by Goethe
This 5 page report discusses Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s masterpiece “Faust” and whether or not Faust will give his soul over to God, to Gretchen or to Mephistopheles. Throughout the story, it could be resolved in a number of ways. However, what Faust never seems to realize is his fundamental helplessness in the face of powers much greater than his own.
No bibliography.
'Host of the Beast' and 'Host of the Lamb' in Billiards at Half Past Nine by Heinrich Boll
A 5 page essay that examines the significance of the 'host of the beast' and the 'host of the lamb' in Boll's masterpiece, 'Billiards at Half-Past Nine.' No additional sources cited.
Today's Military Actions and Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front
This 5 page paper focuses on the Remarque novel and compares its descriptions with the reality of military conflicts today. Several quotes from All Quiet on the Western Front are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.