• Recent Papers

    • Muckraking and Yellow Journalism

      This paper is on "yellow journalism" and "muckraking," which are styles of journalism that were popular in the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries. The writer defines the terms and offers examples, such as William Randolph Hearst's promotion of the Spanish American War, in regards to yellow journalism, and Upton Sinclair as the best known muckraker. Three pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Case Study Nurse Director And Budget

      A 4 page paper that discusses a case study entitled "It's that time of year again!" Five questions are answered, the first one being a reaction to a citation from Lichtenstein et al. The other four questions relate directly to the case study, which is about a nurse director who must present a new budget after her unit has experienced dramatic structural changes. The writer discusses how the director should present the budget, what data to use, if any, her use of an Interprofessional team, and a brief explanation of HEDIS. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • STDs Increasing

      The introduction reports data about the incidence of Chlamydia and uses that as a catalyst to discuss health programs in schools; examples are provided. The second part discusses how public health has contributed to public health and medicine. There are ten sources used in this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Intelligence Agents and Artificial Intelligence

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation of artificial intelligence today. This paper includes things such as Hilary Clinton's campaign and social media. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE


      Discusses what identity theft is, how it happens, and how to reduce the chances of it happening. The paper covers identity theft online and in the real world. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper. ... MORE

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