• Recent Papers

    • Leukemia Overview

      This research paper, which is associated with a power point presentation, khleukemia.ppt, offers a comprehensive overview of leukemia. Twelve pages in length, which includes one page for the table of contents and one page for a bulleted discussed of Findings/Points of Interest. The references page lists five sources. ... MORE

    • Politics and Health

      If public health and health care could be integrated, it would result in numerous benefits, however, there are barriers and challenges related to this integration. This essay discusses health care as a right or privilege, politics and health issues, and the determinants needed for high quality public health. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Marketing Issues for Stores Competing with Discount Stores

      Companies in just about all industries are facing stiff competition from similar stores that offer items at a much lower cost. For instance, two low-cost grocery stores have opened in the United Kingdom and other places and are hurting revenues for stores like Tesco. This essay focuses on different marketing issues, such as the marketing mix, corporate structure, the differences between low-cost and mainstream stores. The essay concludes with two recommendations for Tesco. There are three sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Job Satisfaction Motivation and the Leader

      A great deal has been written about how leadership styles and behaviors impact and influence employee motivation, job satisfaction, and employee commitment to the organization although not necessarily in the same articles. This essay reports literature that has concluded which leadership styles have a more positive impact on morale, commitment, and job satisfaction. There are six sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Another Process to Solve Problems

      This essay describes an issue at a store, the manager has determined what the problem is, and implements a decision making process. That process is compared to Vroom and Jago's process. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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