• Recent Papers


      This 3-page paper provides an example of a personal statement/essay for an individual interested in attending medical school. ... MORE

    • Different Versions for the Biblical Flood

      This report identifies and discusses different sources for Noah and the Flood. There were four much older stories of such a flood although the causes, duration, and motives differ. Each is briefly explained with comments about how these may have been used as sources for the Biblical story. There are three sources listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Cancer Cells/Physiology

      This paper overs an overview of normal cell physiology prior to discussed the pathophysiology of cancer cells. Tumor treat fields is also discussed as a new treatment modality. Five pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Macroeconomic Issues

      Three answers are supplied for questions asked by the student. The first answer explains how the economy is affected by the financial markets. The role and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Chairman are in the second answer. The final answer explains the way interest rates may influence both the financial markets and the economy. Four sources are cited in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Elderly Women and Drug Misuse

      This is a two-topic paper. The first part reviews a journal article about older women using or misusing substances, mostly legal drugs and alcohol. The second part asked the writer to discuss SUD treatment for persons who have intellectual disabilities and if, ethically, the counselor needed to provide those services. There are four sources listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

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