Research Papers on The Greeks & Romans

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  • Placing a Historical Value on 'The Iliad' by Homer

    A 7 page paper which analyzes the epic poem from a historical context, considering if the events depicted are real, if the information can be verified, and examines the author’s intentions for writing the poem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Placing a Historical Value on 'The Iliad' by Homer

    A 7 page paper which analyzes the epic poem from a historical context, considering if the events depicted are real, if the information can be verified, and examines the author’s intentions for writing the poem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Law of Greece

    8 pages in length. Greek law evolved as a necessary means by which to regulate society's behavior. What had up until then been left up to the whims of each individual to handle on his own was now a product of fair and sensible legal procedure. It can be argued that there was, indeed, a great need for such a show of order in that there existed no modicum of conformity when it came to retribution. As Greek law continued to be established, it also became an integral component of other areas of life, branching out into political and social implications. The writer discusses Greek Law in relation to the Sumerians; Egyptians; Hebraics; Hellenics; the Classical, Roman and Christian periods; as well as Cicero, Augustine, Plato and Aristotle. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Patron Rights and Early Law

    A 5 page paper discussing the relationship between the Digest that was part of the Corpus Iuris Civilis ordered recorded by Emperor Justinian of the early Byzantine Empire, c. 534. Only two Articles of the body of civil law of the Empire are examined here (Articles XIV and XV), but their relationship to the evolution of the lord and serf relationship of medieval Europe is clear. Remarkably, they even retain applicability to life today. Ariticles XIV and XV address the rights of the patron and the obedience to parents and patrons required of children who were under the age of majority, which at that time was 25. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Family and Roman Law

    A 5 page paper which examines to what extent Roman families actually upheld, or contradicted, the laws of Rome concerning family. No sources cited: no bibliography due to the fact that the material was faxed in and offered no actual source.

  • Plato's The Laws Summarized and Analyzed

    This is a 10 page paper summarizing and analyzing Plato’s “The Laws” on a chapter by chapter basis. Philosopher and educator Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) wrote extensively in general philosophy which he believed was the basis for the theory of education and political thought. Plato was greatly influenced by the philosophies of Socrates and in addition was critical about Athenian public life “which he presented as dominated by the rhetorical and poetical uses of language in the formation of policies and attitudes”. “The Laws” (360 B.C.E.) was Plato’s last and most extensive work and it reaffirms many of his arguments from previous works in regards to the practical politics of running a Republic. The central speaker is an “Athenian stranger” who gives “advice on the constitution of a proposed new city”. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ancient Civilizations and Geography

    This 5 page paper explains how geography played a role in terms of politics, economics and culture in both Ancient Greece and Rome. Many aspects are discussed inclusive of the effects of weather, terrain and natural disasters. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Rome and Pax Romana

    (5 pp) " Civilized man from Scotland to Persia paid his taxes into the same treasury, was tried by the same law, was protected by the same armies, and enjoyed a profound and real peace-the PAX ROMANA- more than at any other time. This achievement was made possible on one hand by geography and on the other hand by able diplomacy, generalship, organization, government, and character." Those who had known Rome intimately were not so rational either in their praise or in the lament of her decline. We will look at some of those comments in this discussion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Book II of the History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides

    A 5 page paper which offers biographical notes on the author, and analyzes why this work is important, with a critique of the material included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ancient History and Interactions Across Cultures

    An 8 page paper which examines some of the cross-cultural interactions in the pre-classical, the classical, and the post-classical periods. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Marco Polo, Herodotus, and Their Histories

    A 5 page paper which examines the historical presentations offered in Herodotus’ “Histories” and Marco Polo’s “The Travels of Marco Polo.” No additional sources cited.

  • Political and Social History of Greece

    A 3 page paper which examines various aspects of Greek history as it involves social and political rule. The paper examines monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, and tyranny. Source used was faxed from a textbook by the student and has no bibliographic information.

  • Ancient History's Contemporary Social Influence

    A 5 page paper which examines how ancient history in Egypt, China, Greece, and India have influenced our societies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Music of Ancient Greece and Rome

    This 7 page paper looks at Ancient Greek and Roman music with a particular emphasis on the instruments they used. New research is shown to indicate that people who lived in earlier times were more sophisticated than once thought, even playing similar instruments and employing comparable techniques. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ancient Civilizations: Greece and Rome Compared

    This 9 page paper discusses the government and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Roman Catapults

    A 5 page paper which looks at the history of the Roman Catapults. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Caesar Germanicus

    A 7 page paper discussing Lord Acton's famous quote, "Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely," in relation to Caius Julius Caesar Germanicus. The writer analyzes his reign and puts forth the theory that he exemplified Acton's quote, as well as Rome's failure to prevent this. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Aloofness and Human Disinterest of the Greek Gods

    A 5 page paper which examines the religious beliefs of the Greeks in relationship to the gods. The paper focuses on how the Greek gods were essentially uninterested in the doings of humans. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cleopatra VII

    This 5 page paper discusses the actions and decisions of Cleopatra, and why she behaved as she did. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Forms of Athenian Government

    A 5 page paper which examines the four forms of Athenian government (monarchy, aristocracy, democracy and oligarchy) and then compares Athenian democracy with American democracy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Impracticality of Direct Democracy

    This 3 page paper argues that direct democracy is impractical and looks at the concept historically. Ancient history is disused as well as how classic authors viewed the concept. Athenian democracy is compared to the representative democracy that exists today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Athenian Imperialism and Democracy

    This 3 page paper considers the correlation between Athenian Democracy and Athenian Imperialism in the fifth and fourth centuries. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Women in Ancient Greece by Sue Blundell

    A paper which looks at Sue Blundell's "Women in Ancient Greece", an important text which draws on numerous contemporary sources in order to build up a comprehensive picture of the life of women of the period, despite the cultural filters of a strictly patriarchal system.

  • Comparing the Empire of Ancient Rome with Ancient Greece

    This 4 page paper compares Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, looking at the different cultures comparing social structure, politics, religion, economies and terrain. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Ancient Rome's Legal System

    Rome has influence many subsequent societies. This 6 page paper considers how the legal system developed in Rome, with the concept of rights and the doctrine of innocent until proven guilty. The paper starts with the period of the kings and the rule of life and continues through the recording of law in the twelve tablets. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Roman Society and Culture in The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius

    A 5 page essay that looks at what can be learned about Roman culture from this ancient document.

  • 264 BC to 133 BC Roman Empire

    A 3 page paper which examines how Rome achieved its empire from 264 BC to 133 BC. The text used was faxed in by student. The author and text title is unknown.

  • Roman Cultural Life and Architecture: Analysis and Interpretation

    In six pages this paper examines the Roman way of life and and then considers how two architectural works – the Pantheon and the Colosseum – reflect Roman culture, with detailed description, analysis, and interpretation included. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Realism and the Great Rome’s Great Peace

    This 5 page paper asserts that the so called Great Peace that characterized the Roman Empire under Julius Caesar was not entirely peaceful. While Rome improved the general welfare of those it incorporated into its Empire, that incorporation was not always voluntary. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Greek Mythology, Hesiod’s Five Ages of Man, and the Story of Zeus and Other Olympic Deities

    In five pages this paper compares Hesiod’s Five Ages of Man with Ovid’s Four Ages of Mankind creation myth; and also compares and contrasts the story of Zeus with Olympic deities Poseidon and Hades in order to examine why their interactions with Zeus and stories about their origins are important to understanding Greek mythology. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Ancient Greece and the Worshippers of Zeus

    A 4 page analysis of the appeal of Zeus to Greek society. The paper argues that Zeus changed from a fickle and furious weather-god to a champion of justice, as his worshippers changed from illiterate tribesmen to the highest culture of the ancient world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Italy During the Renaissance Era and the Roles Played by Nonelites and Women

    A 5 page paper that considers the role of women and non-elites in Renaissance Italy and outlines the elements of the Italian court. Bibliography lists 2 sources. Italian

  • Why Did the Roman Empire Fall?

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the reason for the collapse of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was a great and powerful entity at one time. In fact, many of today's fields such as literature, law, art, and architecture were influenced by the Romans. This causes one to question why this very substantial and powerful empire collapsed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Overview of the Life of Augustus Caesar

    A 6 page overview of the life and accomplishments of Augustus Caesar. Includes his adoption by Julius Caesar, his military and societal pursuits, and the questions surrounding his death and his passage of his throne to his stepson, Tiberius. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Historical Significance of On Sparta by Plutarch

    This 7 page paper discusses the historical significance of the book On Sparta, written by Greek biographer and essayist Plutarch. No additional sources cited.

  • Julius Caesar's Military Campaigns

    An 8 page research paper on the military campaigns of Roman leader, Julius Caesar. In general, the paper details Caesar's rise, his war efforts, his problems, and his eventual downfall. An excellent resource for those studying Roman politics and/or civilization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Creation of the Roman Empire and Reasons for its Collapse

    A 6 page paper analyzing the reasons for the creation of the Roman Empire as well as how these same factors led to its eventual collapse. The paper points out that there was simply no way that an Empire so huge and so culturally diverse could be managed at all, let alone imbued with a common sense of purpose. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Decline of 3 Humankind Civilizations

    A 7 page paper that explores the decline of three civilizations - the Minoan civilization in 1000 BC, the Roman Empire in 1453 AD, and the Cherokee Nation in 1839 AD. Similarities and contrasts in the factors leading to the decline of these civilizations are emphasized. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Fashion of Ancient Greece, Symmetria and Simplicity

    A 10 page paper that explores the history of ancient Greek fashion and the social significance it entailed. The evolution as well as the modification of the Greek chiton and himation are traced from the Minoan and Mycenaean Ages through the Hellenistic Period. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Tuscany, Italy's Etruscan Civilization

    In 6 pages, the author discusses the Etruscan Civilization, which is an ancient civilization in the Tuscany region of Italy. The Etruscans created works of art in pottery as well as metal works. The Etruria region was taken over by the Romans with whom the Etruscans warred. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Emperor Julius Caesar's Life and Times

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of this leader's life, including specific facts and dates. Caesar's life is examined from a contemporary perspective as well as how the people of the day might have viewed him. His relationship with Cleopatra is explored and reasons why Brutus may have killed him is also discussed. Specific information on Caesar's burial as well as what happened to Rome after his death is also included in this extensive biography. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Life of Augustus, Emperor of Rome

    This 6 page paper examines the life of this emperor who was related to Julius Caesar. His relationship to the people, and to the religion of the day, are both examined. Animism is discussed. Bibliography lists 9 sources

  • Roman Society and the Role of Augustus

    This 7 page paper examines the life of this emperor and his relationship to the people, and to the religion of the day. Augustus's role as princeps and a man who was thought of as a god is discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources


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