• Recent Papers

    • Legal Standards and Motorcycle Helmets

      This research paper pertains to the legal standards of mandatory motorcycle helmet laws. Nine pages in length, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Parts of Linguistics

      Linguistics is the study of language and how people make and understand the meanings of 'utterances.' There are numerous components and subcomponents within the field of linguistics and language acquisition. This paper discusses two major parts of linguistics, semantics and pragmatics. Each is explained and discussed along with differences and how we use them every day. There are ten sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Why Management Can Manipulate Records

      Our business world continues to be challenged with fraudulent activities and other wrongdoings. This essay discusses some of the issues with these activities that include the impact of codes of ethics, the fraud triangle, and how forensic accountants play a role. There are six sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • Segregation in the 21 Century

      Diversity remains political economic challenge even in this new century. This paper reviews racial housing segregation as it has existed since the Civil Rights movement. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Another Process to Solve Problems

      This essay describes an issue at a store, the manager has determined what the problem is, and implements a decision making process. That process is compared to Vroom and Jago's process. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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