Research Papers on Israel / Middle East

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  • Suicide Bombers of Palestine

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of the mind set, motivation and actual training of the suicide bombers who reside in the Middle East. The group Hamas is highlighted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Palestinians as Victims of War in Paradise Now, Making Of, and Palestine

    In four pages this paper examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspective of the Palestinians, which is rarely glimpsed in the media. Specifically considered in a discussion of Hany Abu-Assad’s film Paradise Now, Nouri Bouzid’s film Making Of, and Joe Sacco’s documentary comic graphics text Palestine are the Palestinians’ continued victimization because of the Israeli occupation and the motivation for young men to become suicide bombers, with the quest for truth also considered. Four sources are listed in the bibliography. TGparmakpal.rtf

  • Significance of Religion and Geography in the Middle East

    This is a 5 page paper which examine the religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the Middle East. The paper also addresses the significance of the geographic location of the region. The bibliography has 3 sources.

  • The Impact of Geography on the Development of City-States in Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley

    This 3 page paper discusses the impact the geography – specifically the rivers – had on the development of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Religious Importance of Jerusalem

    This 5 page paper examines why Jerusalem is important to the three great monotheistic religions; what the present conflict is about; whether there will be a lasting peace; and how the city's geography influences its future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Yousry Nasrallah's Film On Boys, Girls and the Veil

    A 6 page film review that explores the topics covered in the film from an anthropological viewpoint. Egyptian director Yousry Nasrallah's 1995 documentary On Boys, Girls and the Veil is a fascinating and intriguing film that will challenge Western viewers preconceptions of Islamic custom, particularly in regards to that most controversial of subjects--the veil. This examination of the film examines how the veil is portrayed in this documentary, relating this to other anthropological investigations of how the veil works in Middle Eastern gender relations and in the lives of Middle Eastern women. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Contemporary History, the Jews, and Zionism

    A 7 page paper on the Zionist movement and its underlying belief that the Jewish people must return to Eretz Yisrael. The writer discusses Zionism's spread throughout modern history as a political movement, as well as its value in academic and non-academic circles today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The History of Judaism in China

    This 10 page report discusses the history of the Jews in China. Approximately 1,000 years ago, of Jewish traders from the Middle East who settled in the Sung dynasty's imperial capital of Kaifeng along the Yellow River in east central China. They openly prayed in Hebrew, observed Jewish dietary laws, circumcised their newborn sons and built a synagogue facing Jerusalem in which to worship. They lived in peace for centuries, eventually establishing a Jewish society and culture that has been estimated to range in numbers between 5,000 to 9,000 people. In the 1930s and 1940’s, there were an estimated 30,000-40,000 Jews in China. Most of whom left after the end of World War II or during the Cultural Revolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History of Judaism in China

    This 15 page report discusses the history of the Jews in China. Approximately 1,000 years ago, of Jewish traders from the Middle East who settled in the Sung dynasty's imperial capital of Kaifeng along the Yellow River in east central China. They openly prayed in Hebrew, observed Jewish dietary laws, circumcised their newborn sons and built a synagogue facing Jerusalem in which to worship. They lived in peace for centuries, eventually establishing a Jewish society and culture that has been estimated to range in numbers between 5,000 to 9,000 people. In the 1930s and 1940’s, there were an estimated 30,000-40,000 Jews in China. Most of whom left after the end of World War II or during the Cultural Revolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources. This paper is an extension of BWchina.rtf.

  • History of Egypt and the Early Egyptian Hyksos' Rise and Fall

    A 10 page overview of the entry of the Asiatic peoples known as the Hyksos into Egypt, their contributions to Egyptian history and technology, and their defeat at the hands of Kamose, his younger brother Ahmose, and their father Seqenenre, a Theban king. Emphasizes that while the Hyksos reign is often characterized as being one of hardship and cruelty, these peoples offered tremendous technological advancements to Egypt. These advancements, in part, included the horse and chariot, the introduction of copper and bronze, an improved version of the battle ax, and even the compound bow. Comments on Hyksos material culture and their similarities to ancient Egyptian/Mesopotamian cultures in general. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • History of Israel and the Impact of the Exodus from Egypt

    This 7 page paper discusses the effects that the exodus from Egypt had on the Hebrews and the founding of the Jewish faith. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Rama from a Legend and Historical Perspective

    This 3 page paper discusses the legend and the history of Ramayana as depicted by historians and by R.K. Narayan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict by Mark Tessler

    This 5 page report discusses Mark Tessler's 1994 book on the origins of the conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians. Tessler is intent on presenting the historical foundations of the conflict objectively but without being detached from it all. He recognizes and points out the very real injuries that have been suffered by both Palestinians and Israelis. He also makes comparisons of the ways in which Arab nationalism and Zionism have evolved alongside one another. Bibliography lists only the primary source.

  • Cause and Aftermath of September 11, 2001

    This 15 page paper takes the form of a speech to discuss the causes of the attack on September 11, and the U.S. actions in its wake. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Book Review of Modern Middle East History

    A 6 page book review of A History of the Modern Middle East by William Cleveland (1994). This is a complex and scholarly work, designed to present Middle Eastern history to both students and general readers who have not previously studied this subject. The Middle East plays a prominent role in the daily news. In many cases, commentators and policymakers appear mystified by Middle Eastern attitudes and, particularly, by their stance towards the West and the US. Cleveland's history not only explains past events, but also places them within cultural and geographic context that aids the reader in seeing how the region evolved to its present state. No additional sources cited.

  • History of the Middle East

    An 8 page research paper that discusses various aspects of Middle Eastern history. Topics covered include the coinage of the term "Middle East," and the rise and fall of the Ottoman and Safavid Empires. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Islamic History Questions

    A 6 page question/answer address of the volatility that has characterized the Middle East. The author addresses four specific questions: 1. List and explain three types of Islamic renewal or reform. 2. In what ways did the decline of the Ottoman Empire set the stage for increased American involvement in the Middle East? 3. What broad political strategy did the Eisenhower administration use to meet the challenges of Arab nationalism? 4. To what extent was the deterioration of US-Egyptian relations a result of a personal conflict between Lyndon Johnson and Nasser? Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Examining Two Aspects of Islamic History

    A 3 page research paper that briefly looks at 2 aspects of Muslim history. The first section addresses the differences between the Islamic and Christian concept of God, and the second addresses how Muslim expansion changed after its first six centuries. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • UK Immigration History

    A paper which looks at the history of immigration to the UK, the history of London and its development as a multicultural city, and at Iraqi migration patterns, past and present, to the UK.

  • Post 911 US Tourism Industry

    A 6-page paper discussing the economic impact of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. tourism industry. Included are hotels, amusement parks, cruise lines and travel agencies. References list 7 sources.


    This 9-page paper provides a review of literature regarding the rebuilding of Afghanistan, and it's success, or lack of it. The paper also tries to compare the literature with a trained learner's observations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.`

  • Studies and Recommendations on Burnout of Nurses in Oman and Other Countries

    This is a 4 page paper discussing nurses’ burnout. Nurses’ burnout is a global problem which is considered more severe in developing countries due to the initial high patient nurse ratio and the increased number of health care workers which leave developing countries for other opportunities. While the Sultanate of Oman has a fairly large nursing population, over 70% of the nurses are foreign born leaving Oman even more vulnerable to the departure of a large portion of its nurses. The Ministry of Health within Oman has undergone several initiatives which will hopefully help to retain the current nursing population such as increasing the percentage of Omani and adopting international nursing standards, but in addition, the administrators responsible for the well being of nurses in Oman may wish to consult worldwide studies on nurses’ burnout which indicate that environmental factors such as resource availability, supervisor support, length of stay in high demand departments and overall “empowerment” within the workplace among many other factors are equally important in decreasing emotional exhaustion and stress which leads to burnout. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Straight Path by John Esposito

    A 5 page book review of John Esposito's The Straight Path, which the writer describes as an easily readable, comprehensive historical introduction to the study of Islam that provides the student with a thorough grounding in Muslim theology, politics and law. By discussing Islamic history within a cultural context, Esposito provides insight into why the Muslim world developed as it did. By offering a means to understand Islamic history, Esposito also aids his readers in understanding the Islamic world of the present. No additional sources cited.

  • Ohio and the Middle East

    A 4 page research paper that compares and contrasts four factors that the writer argues shows commonality between the contemporary Middle East and Ohio. These factors are: water usage, effects of urbanization, unemployment and poverty. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hendel: "Apples in Honey"

    This 3 page paper discusses the short story "Apples in Honey" by Israeli writer Yehudit Hendel. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • West and Whether or Not Iran Poses a Legitimate Threat

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the question of whether Iran poses a threat to the West. In particular, this paper relates the question that has been raised recently, especially in light of the continued spread of Islamic fundamentalism, whether countries like Iran pose an active threat to the countries of the Western world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Iranian and Guatemalan Revolutions

    This 5 page paper discusses the revolutions in Iran in 1953 and the revolt in Guatemala the following year. It also discusses U.S. involvement in both actions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • War: Civil War, Iraq, Yugoslavia

    This 3 page paper discusses the similarities among the American Civil War, the Iraq War and the Yugoslavian Civil War. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Conflict Between Israel and the Palestine

    This 5 page paper discusses the current (2002) infitada between Israel and Palestine. Territory for Terrorism policy is analyzed. A brief overview of the history of violence between the two peoples is given. Interviews with both Arabs and Jews included, quoted, and cited. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 1992 Elections in Israel

    A 5 page paper discussing the various conditions that surrounded the 1992 Israeli elections. These elections occurred during a time when major changes had recently occurred in regards to world powers. Russian Communism had crumbled and the Cold War was essentially in the past. The political parties involved were the Labour Party and the Likuds. The leaders were, respectively, Rabin and Shamir. Rabin won by a slight margin. Election numbers are included herein. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Solution to the Palestine and Israel Conflict

    A 3 page research paper that briefly examines the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and proposes a solution. Israel has been at war with displaced Palestinians since the partitioning of Palestine by the UN in 1947. The Jewish people who created Israel feel that they have an ancient right to Palestine that dates back to the biblical Kingdom of Israel and they assert their historical prerogative. On the other hand, native Palestinians were displaced by the establishment of Israel from land that their families had occupied for generations, literally losing their homes. Their claim is equally just. This discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict proposes one possible solution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Middle East Economic Development

    This 20 page paper discusses the history of the region, the economies of several of the nations, and what they have to do to develop those economies quickly, if in fact that's possible.

  • The Myth of the Melting Pot

    This 6 page paper compares the experience of Arab-Americans after 9/11 with that of Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Oil Industry of Syria

    This 34 page paper considers the oil and Gas industry in Syria. The paper considers the development of the petroleum industry, the role and development pf OPEC, the impact on demand and process and the ability of Syria to play a part in the future demands for petroleum products. The paper ends with a PEST analysis of the Syrian petroleum industry. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Syria's Gas and Oil Industries

    A 5 page paper discussing the state of the industry in Syria, a middle-tier oil producer. The oil and gas industry in Syria is in a state that most of the rest of the world fails to understand can exist in the Middle East. The country faces declining reserves of oil, and faces the prospect of potentially becoming an oil importer within the current decade. The paper examines the industry in terms of Porter’s Five Forces. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • PLO, Foreign Policy, and Economics

    This 6 page report discusses the economic aspects that have determined and continue to determine the shape and scope of the Palestinian Authority’s development of foreign policy. Economic and financial measures intended to boost the country's ailing economy must be considered as an essential element of the overall foreign policy decisions made by the Palestinian Authority. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Impact of Geography on the Development of City-States in Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley

    This 3 page paper discusses the impact the geography – specifically the rivers – had on the development of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • British Intervention in “Arab Street”

    This 4 page paper analyzes three articles on the Middle East, specifically the British intervention in the region in the early 1900s. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Malaysia and the Rise of Islam

    This is a 25 page paper that provides an overview of Islam in Malaysia. The rise of Islam state power in response to British colonization is emphasized. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Western Perspectives on the Prophet Muhammad

    This 5 page paper discusses the prophet Muhammad and how he has been viewed by the Western World since the Middle Ages. The crusades are discussed as is the present day situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Arab Impact of the Prophet Muhammad

    This 7 page paper discusses the Prophet Muhammed and his impact on the Arab world. Furthermore, this paper discusses his history and how he has become so well regarded as the prophet of Islam. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The War in Iraq and Economic Ramifications

    A 4 page paper discussing the economic effects of the Iraqi war. War nearly always provides an economic boost, even if only temporarily. The war in Iraq lifted the American economy to an extent, but the benefits of the gains will not be lasting ones as the federal government seeks funds sufficient for rebuilding the country. The cost of reconstruction equates in the US to less opportunity for economic growth, for billions of dollars are being dedicated to Iraq to assist in its rebuilding from the most recent war. Though the beginning of the war increased American economic fortunes, that general effect is being negated by the staggering costs of reconstruction and conversion to a coalition government in Iraq. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Peace and the Impact of Syria

    This 6 page paper considers the current situation in Syria from an internal perspective. Peace talks with Israel have been announced and the prospects are considered encouraging. The paper also considers President Assad’s reasons for wanting peace and the current state of Syria. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan's Economy

    This 8-page paper focuses on the Pakistani economy, how the war on terror has impacted it, and whether it is fueling terrorism as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Baghdad, Iraq's Urbanization

    A 6 page paper discussing Baghdad, one of the largest cities in the Middle East. Baghdad’s population represents approximately 25 percent of Iraq’s total population. A “typical” modern city that also serves as a nation’s capital city, conditions in Baghdad are such that all standards of living are represented there. Baghdad exhibits characteristics common in the process of urbanization, though the progress has been altered by war and international sanctions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Yemen's Economic Problems

    This 3 page paper looks at Yemen's economy. The relevance of oil is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Middle East Economic and Social Differences During 9th and 19th Centuries Compared

    A 5 page paper detailing how social and economic life in the nineteenth century Middle East differed from the economy and society one-thousand years earlier. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Change and the Decline of the Kibbutz in Israel

    A 6 page overview of the Israel kibbutz and the changes which they are currently implementing to remain extant. Bibliography lists five sources.

  • Iran Modernization of Shah Reza Pahlavi

    A 6 page paper discussing Reza Shah Pahlavi (1919-1944), the former military commander who was crowned Shah of Iran in 1926 and his efforts to modernize his nation. The report examines both Iran and the Shah from the beginning of his rule as Shah to the reign of his son, Muhammad Riza Shah Pahvali's rule which began in 1941. Bibliography lists ten sources.

  • Kurds and U.S. Styles of Negotiation

    A 5 page paper comparing and contrasting the negotiating styles of the US and the Kurds as they fight to attain autonomy for their country. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Society of Israel and Religious Tensions

    9 pages in length. Israel has always been the victim of inner struggles and outward tensions. Whether the discord is within its own people or on account of hostilities with other nations, there has hardly been a time when the Israelis have not been suffering with some kind of tension. These tensions have created much hardship for Israel, as they often lead to other economic, political and psychological strife. Why is Israel so full of struggle and conflict? There are more than a few reasons why the Israelis are in a constant state of discord. The writer discusses tensions as they relate to Israel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing the U.S. and Persia

    10 pages in length. The Persian Empire was established as a good and ethical civilization. It started with the humanitarian leadership of Cyrus the Great, who was instrumental in establishing free speech and a distinctive moral purity. As Persia evolved, it grew into itself through various influences, including that of the Muslim religion; however, its pledge to a stalwart consciousness remained firm. As a first class empire, it can be argued that Persia was a lot like the contemporary United States in that it possessed the freedoms and luxuries associated with the ideals of a refined nation. One could even attest to the fact that America borrowed much of its own cultivation from the Persians. The writer discusses how there is little evidence that today's Iran resembles the same refinement as the ancient Persian Empire maintained. Indeed, the Persian ideal has long since been abandoned by a society that chooses to operate on threats and terrorism rather than the ethical standards set down by Cyrus the Great. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Women of the Middle East

    A 5 page research paper that examines the question as to whether or not Arab women are passive victims of male domination. The writer argues that they are not, but rather acquiesce fully to the system of patriarchy and male domination under which they live. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Middle East Leadership Transition

    A 5-page essay that examines the succession in leadership from Jordan’s King Hussein to his son King Abdullah and from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to new Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Discussed are the positive and negative arguments for peace that face each of these new leaders and the impact this shift in leadership is projected to have on peace negotiations in the Middle East. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Saudi Arabia and the Exportation of Computers

    A 13 page business plan discussing a rather cautious method of exporting computers to the Gulf region. Acme Computer realizes that projections for the domestic PC market are dour well into the next century, but that foreign markets offer the promise of growth unlikely while operating solely in domestic markets. Saudi Arabia technically is classified as a developing nation but is technology- and trade-friendly. Acme seeks to form an alliance with an established small business in Saudi Arabia in order to avoid any cultural faux pas and to learn the nuances of the culture before attempting to gain great returns. The company plans greater marketing efforts after gaining more experience with the culture, but cautiously is relying on its Saudi partner to educate Acme marketers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Kingdom of Jordan, Growth, and Developmental Dynamics

    This 10 page report discusses a number of factors associated with the changing demographics of the nation of Jordan and their impact on development issues. Jordan is a small country that has had to creatively make the most of its limited resources and markets. Most international economic analysts believe Jordan’s economy may be, in the most significant of arenas, experiencing a recession. Nonetheless, the potential remains for a true fiscal renaissance for Jordan and its people. The theory of “demographic transition” serves as a baseline for greater understanding of the economic phenomenon being faced by Jordan. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Kingdom of Jordan and Development

    This 6 page report presents a brief overview of the development process in Jordan and illustrates the country’s growth and expansion over the past several decades. Numerous charts and graphs are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Process of Peace Between the Palestinians and Israelis

    This 5 page report discusses the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians. There are those who believe that peace simply is not an option in the region. Optimism about the Middle Eastern peace process has led to strong hopes that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may be settled in a nonviolent manner. Clearly, that has not yet occurred. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Arab Spokesperson Edward W. Said

    A 7 page research paper that looks at the work of Edward W. Said, specifically his book 'Orientalism,' as making Said representative as a spokesperson for Arab concerns. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Naval Operation Earnest Will and Hostile Intent

    A 5-page paper that examines the 1987 U.S. naval military operation coded Operation Earnest Will, an operation designed to assist Kuwaiti oil tankers across the war-torn Persian Gulf under the protection of the American flag. Discussed are the United States' security interests in the Persian Gulf, the reasons it was felt these interests were put at risk by Kuwaiti difficulties in the area, and the accomplishments and shortcomings of Operation Earnest Will. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


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