Research Papers on Issues in Latin-America

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Road Construction Environmental Impact

    An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ernesto Che Guevara's Leadership Characteristics

    A 10 page paper discussing the management style and motivations of the medical doctor that was so important in the development and continuation of Marxist influences in Latin America. A committed opponent of capitalism and the US, Guevara exhibited many of the same characteristics that can be found in the leadership of Southwest Airline’s Herb Kelleher, another charismatic leader. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pre-Capitalist Production and the Rastafari Influence

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of Rastafari influence in Afro-Caribbean cultures. The use of marijuana in economic development is explored. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • History and Linguistics of the Jamaican Creole Language

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the Jamaican Creole language. The Jamaican Creole language, also known as Western Caribbean English, has been a unique language since the beginning of the 19th century although is it still only officially linguistically classified along with Creole and Pidgin languages as “language isolate, unclassified” with the International Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas. Because of its unique elements which differentiate it from Standard English in the areas of linguistic phonology, morphology, semantics and pragmatics, linguists believe that it should not be considered a “dialect” but should be reclassified as a “nation-language”. Not only spoken in Jamaica, Jamaican Creole is also spoken in Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. Jamaican is also influencing cultures and societies around the globe as large communities of West Indians who reside in countries such as Canada and the United States not only bring their language to the culture but also elements of their music, mannerism and lifestyle which are being adopted by neighboring communities. The Jamaican language is considered an excellent example of the many languages which are participating in the “Latinization” of the English language and are important in the linguistic study of the evolution of language. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Commonwealth Caribbean Jurisprudence, Natural Justice, and Fairness

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the concept of fairness and natural justice in regards to the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean. The concept of fairness adds to the law of natural justice especially in its application of the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean. The Commonwealth Caribbean, comprised of over 15 island and mainland nations in the Caribbean, has a system of law based primarily on that of the United Kingdom and on each nation’s colonial history. Some nations have components of the colonial Dutch and French systems as well because of historical ties. Regardless of the nation however, the Commonwealth Caribbean was considered one of the areas of the world in which basic laws of human rights, natural justice and natural law, were not being followed in regards to fairness, justice and equality within the judicial system. Prisoners unable to afford representation were not always provided with legal aid and were therefore not offered fair trials, decisions or appeals. With an international push for fairness in judicial systems, organizations were formed providing representation for criminals in the Commonwealth Caribbean in the mid-1990s and more recently constitutional amendments have been included providing for legal aid representation in all cases. Several amendments have been enforced within the judicial system as well to follow constitutional law to provide fair and just representation in regards to decisions pertaining to court justices and despite the power of the Chief Justice within the judicial system, he must also follow the concept of fairness in his application of justice within the judicial system itself. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Foreign Policy Impact of Cuba's Geography

    This 4 page paper examines the geography of Cuba and its proximity to the U.S. Reasons for its policies are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Honduras Overview

    A 3 page description of the history, geography, political structure, population and culture of the Honduras. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Venezuela's Social Aspects

    This essay discusses the social aspect of Venezuela including the population, geography, topography, social structures and other aspects. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Culture of Costa Rica

    A 6 page research paper that examines the culture of Costa Rica by looking the topics of religion, education, economics, family, class structure, language, history, natural resources and geography. In so doing, this survey of culture shows the complexity of this Latin American society. Biography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of Portuguese Americans

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses history, customs, beliefs and cultural assimilation as they relate to Portuguese-Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Emilio Zamora, Cynthia Orozco and Rodolfo Rocha's Mexican Americans in Texas History

    A 5 page paper which summarizes the text, identifies the authors’ purpose, theme of the book, considers its sources, and provides relevant information about each author. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Political History of Cuba

    An 8 page paper discussing Cuba's oppressive political history. The Cuban people are hard working and strive to maintain optimism. The fact is, however, they have suffered centuries of political and economic oppression. Cuba presents perhaps the finest example of the consequences of inept government based on unworkable ideology rather than on the realities of life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of Mexico and Mesoamerican History's Role

    A 5 page paper which examines how Mesoamerican history is an important element in understanding Mexican history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Colombia's History Since its Independence

    This 4 page paper discusses the developments which have come to Columbia since its independence, examines the causes of the civil wars, and analyzes the potential for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Late Twentieth Century History and Politics of Chile

    A 20 page overview of Chilean politics, and the role of the U.S. in those politics, in the years spanning the election of Allende and the end of the Pinochet regime. The author contends that the U.S. exerted considerable manipulation in Chile and the result was the overthrow of Allende and the rise of Pinochet to the Chilean presidency. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • US Influence on the History of the Panama Canal

    This 7-page paper focuses on the history of the Panama Canal and the influence of the U.S. government in making this project happen. Other topics for discussion include whether or not the U.S. could be considered imperialistic in its efforts to build a Canal though this country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The History of Traditional Mexican Cuisine

    A 7 page research paper that examines the history of Mexican food and specifically, the history of several traditional dishes, such as enchiladas, tacos, and salsa. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Mexican Literature Comparison Victor Valle's Recipe of Memory Five Generations of Mexican Cuisine and Ruben Martinez's Crossing Over A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail

    A 5 page overview of the content of these two books and the differences in presentational style elected by each author. The author of this paper emphasizes that Mexican literature offers a wide gamut of style and subject matter. Of particular interest is the way different writers chose to present their information. Some chose a discursive appropriation while others use formal appropriation. The approach elected by Valle falls into the latter category while that of Martinez falls into the former. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Political Culture and Music of Haiti

    A 6 page research paper/essay that take the unusual form of presenting a hypothetical Haitian family over two generations. The writer pictures the family as reflecting their political and cultural orientation toward Haiti in regards to the choices of music made at their weddings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Literature Review of Emergency Preparedness in Puerto Rico

    This 15-page paper outlines a review of literature in support of an approach for emergency preparedness of Puerto Rico when it comes to natural disasters. The paper also includes natural disaster that occur in Puerto Rico, as well as some recommendations to help spur an emergency management program. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Evaluating Latino and Hispanic Children's Literature

    This 14 page paper examines this genre in children's books. An annotated bibliography is included along with a paper that examines the quality of the literature and how it addresses the nuances of the particular culture. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Management and Business Practices and the Influence of Chilean Culture

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the influence of Chile’s culture on business and management practices. Chilean management structures and practices are influenced by a diverse number of factors from Chilean culture. The strong military presence and influence of the Church resulted in management procedures which are strict, conservative and respectful in nature. Strong social class hierarchies in Chilean society has resulted in highly hierarchical structures in management where the higher end executives are responsible for the decision making processes and are well rewarded because of this. Finally, women’s roles in Chilean culture are quite prominent and this is also reflected in the Chilean work place as women have equal representation in the social classes as well as professional positions and politics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mexico During the Late 19th Century and Sport

    This 5 page paper focuses on the book Judas at the Jockey Club by William H. Beezley in examining how sport defined Mexican culture. Social stratification in respect to sport is noted as is the significance of Mexican's embrace of sports from Euro-American culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The True Voyages of Christopher Columbus

    (5 pp) The date of Columbus landing on the Americas will probably always be stuck in my head due to some little ditty of childhood, "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."That is about the only fact that is now agreed upon concerning Columbus and his voyages. This discussion will examine the landings of the disputed voyage, how the inhabitants were treated, and what might have been the reasons for such treatment by a supposedly civilized man, and representative of the Queen of Spain. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nicaragua State Analysis

    11 pages in length. Nicaragua, which borders the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, has long struggled to obtain its own significant notion of existence, a quest that has been fraught with revolution, political upheaval and economic turmoil. The concepts found in relation to Nicaragua's revolution are based upon the fundamental aspects of economics, politics and history; without these integral elements, such astute determinations with regard to humanity's struggles for democracy and socialism would not have been achieved. By addressing relevant issues from both the past and present, geopolitical historians are able to formulate impressions of Nicaragua's future that prove revolutionary. Analyzing the manner by which the state has overcome such overwhelming challenges leads the student to examine specific components of its composition, not the least of which include demographic considerations, economy, government and military. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Homosexuality and Latin American Gender Roles

    This 8 page paper discusses the societal views toward gender roles and homosexuality in the history of Latin America. Specific examples given. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Los Tigres del Norte

    A 6 page paper which looks at the musical group Los Tigres del Norte from San Jose, California. The paper examines the music as it relates to the culture of the group and San Jose, examining the group’s evolution and future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Basque Tradition

    5 pages. This paper is an interesting study of the Basque people and the music, dancing, and clothing that they wear in their cultural dances. For hundreds of years the music and dance of their culture has been passed down through the generations and it still entertains yet tells us about the history of this beautiful culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Americas and the Influence of Latin Culture

    This 5 page paper explores religion in depth, as well as other aspects of Latin culture such as music, dance and language. How these things influence American culture is highlighted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Latin America's Liberation Theology

    A 15 page research paper that describes the history and development of Latin American liberation theology. Liberation theology is a term that was coined in 1973 by Gustavo Gutierrez, a Peruvian Roman Catholic priest (Berrman, 1987). This branch of theological thought refers to Latin American Catholics who subscribe to the idea that Christianity should be primarily concerned with focusing on liberating people from oppression and poverty. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Spirituality and Liberation Theology

    This 4 page paper looks at the life and times of Gutiérrez and how his ideas on spirituality mesh with his notions of liberation theology. Notions of class differentiation and the poor and what the Catholic church should do are discussed. The history of liberation theology is touched on. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Illegal Aliens

    A 5 page paper on illegal aliens. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Coyotes by Conover

    A 4 page paper which examines attitudes about immigration and illegal immigration. The paper focuses on the book Coyotes by Ted Conover. There are no additional sources.

  • Illegal Immigration as Seen Through the Eyes of Ted Author Conover

    A review of the book by author Ted Conover, this 3 page paper provides a different look at the problem of illegal immigration. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Illegal Immigration in the Bahamas

    This 3 page paper examines illegal immigration in the Bahamas. Some history is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Mexican Film/Maria Candelaria

    A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses Emilio Fernandez’s Maria Candelaria (1943) and how this film relates to the task of addressing the legacy of colonialism within the context of Mexican history. Mexico, as Andrea Noble points out, is fundamentally a “mestizo entity,” that is, it is the product of “the colonial encounter between Indians, Spaniards (and Africans)” (Noble 81). As such, the Mexican culture struggles to understand its fundamental nature and to express the cultural dichotomies held within this paradigm. One of the ways in which this task has been expressed is through cinema. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Status of Human Rights in Brazil

    This paper examines the status of human rights in Brazil since passage of a special human rights act by the Cordosa government in 1996. The report is not very encouraging, although some reforms have been passed, human rights violations are still vast. Bibliography lists 6 sources

  • Cuban Refugees and U.S. Policy on Immigration

    This 8 page paper examines Cuban immigration in the United States, with a focus on the Elian Gonzalez case. Pertinent information about the case is provided and discussed in light of U.S. immigration policy. Statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

    A 6 page essay/research paper that, first of all, explains the real-life historical connection of this novel to the deaths of three sisters who were brutally murdered by the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic. Then, the writer discusses the structure of the novel and how Alvarez creates characterization by letting each sister narrate the story in turn. A specific passage from the novel is then analyzed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Favelas Housing and the Political, Social, and Economic Situation in Brazil

    Favelas may be perceived as shanty towns, but in Brazil they are attractive permanent structure built by community and perceived by some as a model for self help. This 3 page paper consider how the development of these favelas by squatters reflect the political, social and economic history and conditions in brazil. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • The Iranian and Guatemalan Revolutions

    This 5 page paper discusses the revolutions in Iran in 1953 and the revolt in Guatemala the following year. It also discusses U.S. involvement in both actions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Chile During Pjnochet

    A 3 page paper which examines Chile during Pinochet’s rule. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Economic Outlook of Chile

    A 5 page paper discussing Chile's economy and outlook for the future. As has been the case in so much of South America, Chile's economy has been uncertain for decades. Less certain at some times than at others, the country has made a consistent and concerted effort to build a sustainable export-driven economy since the first days of NAFTA and continues to pursue ascension to it. Unemployment remains high and the entire region is having difficulty, but Chile is attuned to the needs of business and actively courts it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Concept of Freedom in the Hispanic Culture

    A 3 page discussion of the Hispanic quest for freedom. This paper defines the Hispanic culture as a broadly encompassing culture and one that has repeatedly sought freedom both from outside imperialistic powers and from inside dictatorial powers. Examples from Chile are emphasized. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) During Recent History

    5 pages in length. Historical literary accounts of Latin America's quest for freedom delve deeply into the social and cultural foundation of discrimination and oppression during the nation's formative years, effectively illustrating the extent to which the Americas suffered gross indignities at the hands of those who were in control, with primary emphasis upon the oppressive nature of European colonization. Andrea & Overfield's The Human Record : Sources of Global History and Bulliet et al's Earth and Its Peoples : A Global History Since 1750 are instrumental in illustrating the detrimental impact of colonization, as well as concentrating upon the significant quest for independence that Latin America ultimately realized as a nation. No additional sources cited.

  • Illegal Immigration and the Cuban Issue

    A 30 page overview of the inherent flaws in Cuban immigration policy. The author compares Cuban immigration to immigration as a whole and specifically to the problems of Haitian immigration. The controversy surrounding the issues is assessed from a historic, economic, and social perspective and a "best alternative" is presented. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Gary Jennings/Aztec

    A 6 page book review and essay that consists of 2 parts, each 3 pages in length. The first half of the paper offers a synopsis of the novel Aztec by Gary Jennings. The write covers the structure and main topics of the novel, describing how it informs the reader about Aztec culture. The second part of the paper then compares Aztec culture to the modern world, pointing out similarities and differences. No additional sources cited.

  • Jennings/Aztec/Summation of Latter Half

    A 6 page research paper in which the first half of the paper (3 pages) offers a summation of Gary Jennings' novel Aztec covering the latter half of the novel. The next 3 pages offer a discussion concerning Aztec religious rituals. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Incas and Aztecs

    A 4 page paper which examines and compares the systems of the Aztecs and the Incas as it involves tributes in the 16th century. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Costa Rican Banana and Coffee Production

    5 pages. The coffee and banana crops are very important to Costa Rica's economy. This paper gives a detailed look at these two important products from Costa Rica, their current importance in the area economy, and how the success or failure of these crops can affect the people of Costa Rica. Further explanation is given as to how events outside of Costa Rica can influence the market on both coffee and bananas. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 1834 Bermuda

    This 8 page paper explores Bermuda in the early 1800's, and the relationship between masters and slaves. This paper highlights the process of freedom for slaves who were eager to be free as well as the masters who were largely also eager for the slaves to be free. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Unfair Treatment of Brazilian Indians

    The Brazilian Government celebrated the 500 anniversary of the founding of Brazil. The celebration was controversial, with the indigenous Indian population, such as the protests of the Pataxo tribe. This 23 page paper looks at why there was controversy examining the issues that created the controversy. This includes an examination of the way in which the indigenous people have been treated over the centuries, including genocide, mistreatment and denial of civil rights. The discussion also looks at influences that were present at the time of the celebration. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Cook and Cook's Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance and Family Relationships

    A 4 page paper discussing typical family relationships in 16th century Latin America, during the early colonial period. It uses as its beginning Cook and Cook’s “Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance: A Case of Transatlantic Bigamy.” Today’s Latin American families have many more options open to them, but the attitudes and perceptions of the colonial period persist in the form of tradition. Today’s Latin American families are not as bound to their families – either those of birth or those married into – in practice, but tradition remains as the ideal. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Road Construction Environmental Impact

    An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Negron-Muntaner/Barbie's Hair

    A 3 page paper that discusses this essay. A doll seems like an unlikely candidate for controversy. Yet, yet Frances Negron-Muntaner, in her essay "Barbie's Hair," describes how controversy immediately arose when the Mattel Toy Company released a Puerto Rican version of their famous Barbie doll in 1997. Communities, both in Puerto Rico and the mainland US, associated the doll with cultural connotations that involved "Puerto Rican identity" (Negron-Muntaner 39). The author of this provocative essay makes a number of pertinent points about this version of Barbie within the context of popular culture, however, two of the most intriguing points made in the essay are the significance that was attached to the meaning of the doll's hair and how this related to Puerto Rican identity and also how the doll represented a political position in terms of Puerto Rico's place on the world stage. No additional sources cited.

  • Causes and Results of Brazil's Military Rule from 1964 to 1985

    This 10 page paper looks at reasons behind the seizure of political control on Brazil by the military in 1964. The reasons for this are numerous, including the role played by João Goulart in precipitating the actions taken by the military. These issues are discussed with reference to the economic and social conditions in Brazil immediately prior to the coup. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Octavio Paz/Diego Rivera

    A 5 page research paper/essay that critiques how each man viewed Emiliano Zapata. The Labyrinth of Solitude is one of the most famous works by the noted Mexican author Octavio Paz. It is a collection of nine essays that are all concerned with the central theme of how one should understand Mexican identity, which translates in the book into understanding the quest for this understanding as an existential labyrinth, which leads inevitably to a profound feeling of solitude. Diego Rivera, through his art, also expresses a vision of Mexican identity. This discussion interprets Rivera's "Agrarian Leader Zapata" in light of the themes brought out in Paz's text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Is Maria Teresa Tula's Thinking Still Relevant?

    A 5 page paper discussing the generalizability of resistance to political oppression in the New World and in the East. In Hear My Testimony, author Maria Teresa Tula provides an account of the struggle for human rights in her native El Salvador. The purpose here is to examine the historical origins of that struggle and to determine whether the work reflects world historical forces of the non western world. The paper concludes that though results in abuses of human rights take similar forms, the historical origin of extremism in the New World and in old civilizations of Asia are greatly different. The book does provide an account of women's involvement in political resistance, however, which is highly relevant to oppression resulting from any origin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Puerto Rico as Fernando Pico Knows It

    This 6 page paper summarizes Fernando Pico’s book “History of Puerto Rico: A Panorama of its People.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review of Emergency Preparedness in Puerto Rico

    This 15-page paper outlines a review of literature in support of an approach for emergency preparedness of Puerto Rico when it comes to natural disasters. The paper also includes natural disaster that occur in Puerto Rico, as well as some recommendations to help spur an emergency management program. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • North and South America Differences and Their Reasons

    This 3 page paper takes an economic look at these two continents. The theories of Stanley Engerman and Ken Sokoloff are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Politics, Religion, and Language of South America

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the South American continent with particular attention paid to language, religion and politics. The effect of culture on the political economy of the region is an important component of the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Demetria Martinez Speaks the Mother Tongue

    This paper analyzes some of the symbolism in Demetria Martinez’ novel “Mother Tongue.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Columbian Exchange

    This 5 page paper discusses the Columbian Exchange and its effects on the people of the New World. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Dominican Republic and Asian Status

    This 10 page paper discusses the history of the Dominican Republic and its struggles with its neighbor Haiti, and how these incursions led the Dominican dictator Trujillo to invite first Spanish, and then Japanese, immigrants to settle on the island. It also discusses the fact that the conditions that the newcomers found were substantially different from those they had been promised, and that both the Japanese government and that of the Dominican Republic failed to given the newcomers the support they needed. Finally, it discusses the fact that most of the Japanese were repatriated or encouraged to settle in other Latin American countries; this included those that were born on the island. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Haiti and Insuring Water and Food

    A 5 page emphasis on the importance of self sufficiency in Haiti. The author suggests numerous approaches to insuring food and water resources for this least developed country. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Economy, Trade, and Caribbean Nations That Speak English

    A 12 page overview of the problems English speaking Caribbean nations encounter in regard to functioning in the world economy. The author asserts that the WTO has had little positive effect on these countries. CARICOM, in contrast, offers these countries hope. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Colonial Domination Independence of Latin America

    3 pages in length. Postcolonial Latin America yearned for the ability to break out from the oppressive constraints of the dictatorship that precluded its people's opportunity for freedom. It can be argued that autocratic rule was part and parcel of Latin America's existence all the way up to the point of its self-independence that was finally realized by those who had been held down for so long. Instrumental to the overall conquest of independence was the coupling of social realities and intellectual developments, as well as issues surrounding the economic and political stability of Spain and Portugal. While many of the motivating factors for freedom were the result of external forces, there were also some internal elements that helped to assist the eventual move toward Latin American independence. The writer discusses Latin America's self-independence. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Colonial Latin American Women

    a 6 page research paper which examines the role of women in colonial Latin America. The colonial world of Latin America was intrinsically different from that of North America and this difference had a tremendous impact on the women of Latin America at that time. Although North America was rich in natural resources, the natives of North America did not have the gold of the Incas or the Aztecs. Consequently, the Europeans that came to North America's shores came to colonize-they brought women with them. Those early Europeans, specifically the Spanish, that came to Latin America did so solely for the purposes of exploitation, not for colonization. Because of this, the Spanish conquerors typically did not bring women with them from Europe. The writer argues that the native women in colonial Latin America were viewed by Europeans as simply one more resources that they could exploit. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Democracy and Latin America

    A comprehensive, 17 page examination of socio-political trends in Latin America leading to Democracy. The writer looks at how the continent has finally begun to develop a positive image of the U.S., the significance of NAFTA as a partnership between the U.S. & Mexico, The Miami Summit of the Americas, and much more. The positive influences of several key Latin-American politicians and leaders are examined as well. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.

  • Western US and Hispanic Americans

    Illegal immigration, migrant farm jobs and two periods of immigration allowances since the turn of the century have determined large Hispanic communities in the modern West. States like Texas have struggled to define these communities and distinguish between illegal immigrants and the crack down on illegal immigration and the rights of Hispanic-Americans living in these communities. This 12 page paper considers the scope of this problem, reflects the role of law enforcement officials, and also considers the problem of vigilante border patrols, who pose a threat both to Hispanic American citizens and illegal immigrants. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Post Monroe Doctrine Relations Between Cuba and the United States

    A 6 page research paper on how the history of these two nations has intertwined with the U.S. frequently playing a vital role in the Cuban government. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Who Benefited from the Monroe Doctrine?

    8 pages in length. The Monroe Doctrine stood for many things and addressed many issues, both nationally and worldwide; however, it can be argued that the primary motivation behind President James Monroe's desire to implement his doctrine was as a means by which to protect American interests. The 1823 declaration that announced Monroe's intentions was met with a considerable amount of surprise, being that it was looked upon as a mighty bold step toward American foreign policy. The writer discusses how Monroe effectively sought to protect the interests of every United States citizen, while at the same time flexing the country's blossoming authority. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia

    This 3 page essay discusses one of the adversarial relationships, the one between Celia and her daughter Lourdes, in 'Dreaming in Cuban.' Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Political Structures of Inca and Maya

    4 pages in length. The writer discusses similarities and differences between the Mayan and Inca political structure, as well as addresses the religious influences of the architectural layout and planning of Teotihuacan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Relationship Between Mexico and the United States

    A 5 page research paper on the historical conflicts and solutions between the U.S. and Mexico. The writer focuses on the Spanish American War, Mexican War, other incursions by the U.S., and upon the political and social issues behind that history. Historical review leads to an answer to the question of why the two nations never formed a union. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mexican-American Border Culture and Across the Wire by Urrea

    Urra's book is the subject of this 5 page review. The essays in the book describe life in Tijuana along with the problem of poverty and the crime it attracts. No additional sources cited.

  • Statehood for Puerto Rico

    A 3 page examination of the controversy over whether or not Puerto Rico should become a state. The discussion focuses mainly upon the opinions of Puerto Rican natives-- who already enjoy the highest standard of living in Latin America. It is believed that Puerto Ricans would rather remain a commonwealth so as not to sacrifice their own prized nationality & culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Martyred Chilean Singer Victor Jara

    This 5 page report discusses the coup that occurred in Chile in the autumn of 1973. Victor Jara was a popular singer who was tortured and murdered along with thousands of other innocents. This paper gives an overview of the events leading to his death and the death of thousands of other artists, intellectuals and political dissidents. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Uruguay

    A 5 page overview of the Uruguay situation, which includes a look at demographics and how those are affecting not only the current economic situation, but the decisions surrounding the situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Country Overview of Peru

    A 10 page research paper exploring the history, government, economy, education, health, and nutritional status of Peru. Great improvements have been made in the country since 1990, however, due to the fact that nearly half the population live in poverty Peru is a long way from being a nation with equal access to its benefits. Politically, it is also a long way from being a democracy since its president appoints so many members of the governmental structure. Bibliography is included.

  • Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations by H. Hoetink

    A 5 page paper in which the writer provides an overview of Hoetink's book and relates the context of the book to Hoetink's obvious knowledge and understanding of sociological issues in the Caribbean. Issues concerning the region and the specific sociological implications of these issues within the context modern history are examined. No additional sources listed.

  • Documentaries on the Caribbean and Its Problems Reviewed

    Totals 4 pages in length. Brief reviews of two documentary films : "Drugs and Haiti" and "Racism and Cuba." No Bibliography. (latimamer studies)

  • A 'Personal Narrative' of South America by Alexander Von Humboldt

    A 5 page analysis of Alexander Von Humboldt's personal accounts of South America in the early eighteenth century. A gifted naturalist, his accounts are interesting and informative of nineteenth century bias, as well as So. American reality. No additional sources cited.

  • Brown Girl, Brownstones by Paule Marshall and Selina's Assimilation Quest

    A 5 page paper that examines Paule Marshall's 1959 novel Brown Girl, Brownstones and discusses the factors that make this novel a universal inside observation of immigration and its challenges. The basic story and central theme of the novel are outlined and corresponding parallels pertaining to the universal experience of immigration are noted. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Bureaucratic Authoritarianism and Latin America

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses the following two points: 1) Mexico and Argentina's developmental similarities and differences, and 2) the emergence of bureaucratic authoritarianism in Latin America as caused by the export boom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nicaragua and Democracy Transitioning

    A 16 page research paper that argues that the US intervention in Nicaragua, rather then aiding the consolidation of democracy, in the long-term, actually prolonged such consolidation. The writer looks at the history of US intervention and the consequences for Nicaragua. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Tensions on the Island of Puerto Rico

    ( 5 pp) The mild tropical climate of Puerto Rico cloaks some of the tensions that are building on this island nation. Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule until 1898, when , as a result of the Spanish-American War, the island was ceded to the United States in 1917. Puerto Rico remains a U.S. territory with an internal self-government and has been under a commonwealth form of government since 1952. Its citizens have no voting rights, and it and does not have any voting representative in the Congress of the United States. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Portuguese Americans

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses history, customs, beliefs and cultural assimilation as they relate to Portuguese-Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Issues of Race in Cuba

    This 5 page paper looks at Cuba's history, with a focus on its formation shortly after independence. Several issues are discussed. The race issue is illuminated. Most of the positions draws on information from a book by Aline Helg. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Arguing in Favor of Lifting the Cuba Embargo

    This 30 page thesis paper provides an overview of the problem related to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. Historic information is provided along with the political background that surrounds this issue. Both sides of the issue are confronted but the paper supports lifting the ban due to philosophical reasons. Other reasons are explored, including the fact that the Cuban people have had to do without adequate food and medical supplies as a result. Bibliography lists 20 sources.


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