Research Paper On Religion And Society

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • The Age of Aquarius, Ancient Worlds and Worship

    A 5 page paper that posits the thesis that religion exists within a cycle of change and that the new millennium may mark the shift of beliefs back to ancient traditions, moving from a male-dominated theology back to a female-dominated 'thealogy'. Included are an examination of the religions and societies of both ancient Israel and the ancient Near East along with a comparison of both with contemporary religion and society. Also discussed is the nature of psalms and songs and their place in the daily lives and worship practices of ancient Israel. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Age of Aquarius, Ancient Worlds and Worship

    A 5 page paper that posits the thesis that religion exists within a cycle of change and that the new millennium may mark the shift of beliefs back to ancient traditions, moving from a male-dominated theology back to a female-dominated 'thealogy'. Included are an examination of the religions and societies of both ancient Israel and the ancient Near East along with a comparison of both with contemporary religion and society. Also discussed is the nature of psalms and songs and their place in the daily lives and worship practices of ancient Israel. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Religion and World Construction by Peter L. Berger

    A 5 page analysis of the first chapter of Peter L. Berger's book, 'Sacred Canopy: Elements of a sociological theory of religion.' The first chapter of this work, 'Religion and World Construction,' demonstrates for the sociology student where religion fits into an overall model of how human society originated. No additional sources cited.

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