Research Paper On Consumer Perception Towards Shopping Malls

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Department Store and its History

    A 6 page discussion of the advent of the department store in consumer culture. Making their advent in the mid 1800s these stores would change the way stores marketed goods and the way consumers shopped for them. This paper discusses store geography, design, and labor considerations, particularly in regard to women. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Subculture Of Malls As Locations With Social Function

    8 pages in length. Culture is defined in myriad ways and influenced by an infinite number of elements, most of which exists in constant state of fluidity. To characterize culture as the foundation around which entire societies revolve is to recognize the singular influence the ongoing progression of mankind has upon the very nature of civilization. Indeed, the extent to which humanity and culture reflect an ever-evolving synergistic coupling is both grand and far-reaching; that certain aspects of a given culture seem to define this correlation more than others speaks to the common denominator found in such social symbols as shopping malls. Meaghan Morris's account of the cultural significance inherent to contemporary shopping centers provides a sociological look at the way in which these collections of retail stores serve as much more than simply a place to purchase goods, but rather a location where some of the most important community interaction takes place. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • WWW Shopping

    7 pages in length. Shopping has never been so fast and convenient as it is via the World Wide Web. Not only are people able to research large purchases such as televisions and furniture before making the commitment, but they are also afforded the luxury of buying groceries, personal items, gifts and a whole host of other commodities right from the comfort of their homes or offices. Indeed, the extent to which Internet shopping has increased consumer spending is something analysts have been tracking for the past several years, noting that the upward trend is clearly indicative of a convenience-driven society. However, anything so seemingly perfect must have at least one flaw, and Web shopping is no exception. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • David Chu's Nautica International Retailers

    Taiwanese-born David Chu founded Nautica International and created products that appeal to people of all ages worldwide. Nautica not only attracts consumers of all ages, its clothes and accessories range from sport to hip-hop to ski fashion to women’s perfume. It sports the worlds largest distribution of jeans (which includes The North Face, JanSport and Eastpak brands), among others. These products are sold in 1,300 department and specialty shops in the United States and in 82 retail stores in Asia, Europe and Latin America. jvRetMar.rtf

  • Women Influenced by Shopping Malls

    This 5 page paper looks at how malls influence women to purchase items. Fashion is discussed and the cosmetics counter is also probed as well. Ideas about how the mall is different from ordinary stores and how the mannequin and all the other things in the setting do influence women and how they approach fashion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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