Research Paper On Television Advertising

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Warranty and Advertising in the Automotive Industry

    This 9 page paper has two parts. The first part discusses television advertising for cars and includes data on the amount spent by the industry and where they are spending it. It also discusses why car manufacturers use television ads. The second part of the paper discusses the warranty for Ford cars and light vehicles. The writer includes the highlights of the warranty and how a customer would get repairs under that warranty. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A Marketing Campaign to Encourage responsible Water Usage

    This 7 page paper presents a creative campaign to support a campaign to save water and change values of children to impact on their water using behavior as adults. The proposed campaign presents an outline for the use of television advertising, using a unique cartoon logo to appeal to children between the ages of 5 years and 13 years. The campaign is to be supplemented with the use of an interactive web site. The campaign and the theoretical support for this proposed campaign are discussed. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • TV Commercials and Use of Ethnic Dialects

    This 5 page report discusses the use of ethnic dialects in common television advertising and what it says about advertisers’ attempts to sell a product through the communication of commonality (people just like those in the viewing audience buy a certain product) or certain ideals (the very “best” people prefer this brand over that brand). In addition, as cultural and racial diversity has become more acceptable in American society, it has also become more popular or “chic” to present a product as having the hallmarks of uniqueness or that diversity. No secondary sources.

  • An Analysis of Television Commercials and Programming

    In this 5 page essay, the writer reports their observations of television commercials as they occurred during a certain one hour television program. Recorded were the times that commercials occurred, their length, and content. These variables are analyzed with respect to advertising market and other relevant data. An illustrative chart is included .No Bibliography.

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