• Recent Papers


      This 3-page paper provides an example of a personal statement/essay for an individual interested in attending medical school. ... MORE

    • Impact on Asthma/Air Pollution

      The research paper offers an overview of four studies that concern the effect that air pollution and ambient air quality within the home have on asthma. Seven pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Cancer Survival, Role of Attitude, Optimism

      This research paper offers an overview description of "Aunt Phyllis," a breast cancer survivor who is experiencing emotional difficulties. A literature review describes the coping strategies that have been proven by research studies to provide improved quality of life for cancer survivors. Six pages in length, six sources are listed. ... MORE

    • Climate Change Policy and Carbon Tax

      This paper compares two policy approaches to decreasing carbon emissions -- cap and trade approach and imposing a carbon tax. The writer argues in favor of a carbon tax. Six pages in length, that paper includes a brief abstract and cites eight sources. ... MORE

    • How Certain Factors Influence Personality

      This essay considers how certain tenets affect personality and personality development. The issues discussed are development, maturation, motivation, the unconscious, nature vs. nurture, and view of self. An outline is included in the page count. There are ten sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

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