• Recent Papers

    • Reports on Medicare

      Activities performed by the Department of Health and Human Services are discussed in comprehensive semiannual reports that are authored by the Office of the Inspector General. These reports focus on abuse, fraud, and crimes against Medicare and Medicaid along with some other similar programs. The report specifies the billions of dollars recovered every six months. The two most recent reports are discussed and the writer comments on a report from 2004. There are three sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

    • People Need Training to Become Effective Teams

      Teamwork training is essential if teams are going to be effective. Teams need to learn specific skills to be effective, high-performing teams. This essay discusses the training teams need to be effective, which includes group roles, group development, budgeting for social responsibility, introducing ethics in the training, training to become a transformational leader and other aspects. There are five sources used in this seven page paper. ... MORE

    • Race, Gender, and Sexuality and the American Family

      This 5 page paper gives a summary of how the homework reading informed the student's opinion on the American family. This paper includes a summary of how race, gender, and sexuality relate to the traditional idea of family. Bibliography list 0 sources because the student didn't provide any source information. ... MORE

    • Amelie and French Ethnocentrism

      This 3 page essay discusses the film Amelie (2001) from the perspective of ethnocentrism and what the film conveys about French cultural assumptions and ethnocentrism. Bibliography lists 2 sources. ... MORE

    • How Certain Factors Influence Personality

      This essay considers how certain tenets affect personality and personality development. The issues discussed are development, maturation, motivation, the unconscious, nature vs. nurture, and view of self. An outline is included in the page count. There are ten sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

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