• Recent Papers

    • Events of 9/11/Terrorism

      This paper offers a comprehensive overview of criminological theories and the War on Terror. Twenty-six pages in length, twenty sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Marketing Issues for Stores Competing with Discount Stores

      Companies in just about all industries are facing stiff competition from similar stores that offer items at a much lower cost. For instance, two low-cost grocery stores have opened in the United Kingdom and other places and are hurting revenues for stores like Tesco. This essay focuses on different marketing issues, such as the marketing mix, corporate structure, the differences between low-cost and mainstream stores. The essay concludes with two recommendations for Tesco. There are three sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • How to Help the Most Helpless in Sierra Leone

      One of the most impoverished areas in the world, Sierra Leone is in need of what most people would consider the basic necessities, clean water to drink, wastewater processing facilities and electricity. There are four sources in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Literature Review: Crohn's Disease

      This research paper pertains to Crohn's disease, and encompasses the topics of incidence and impact, pathophysiology and recent research, differential diagnoses and ruling them out, collaborative treatment, and conclusions. Ten pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Global Warming

      There are two sociological problems discussed in this essay. The first section discusses aging and focuses on poverty among the elderly. The other one discusses global warming and climate change and its effects. Both sections follow a specific order for discussion including the theory used to discuss it. There are five sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE

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