Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A History of the US' Federal Reserve System
This 5-page paper discusses what 20th century events led to formation of the Federal Reserve System. Also discussed is the struggles that Americans had when it came to monetary supply control and the idea of a "central banking" system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Twentieth Century Changes in the Relationship Between the U.S. Economy and American Law
5 pages in length. The writer discusses how the extent to which one can gauge the impact of the changing relation between American law and the American economy over the course of the twentieth century is by many things, not the least of which is by examining Keynesian philosophy. Earl Warren's equality style liberalism is also discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
S and P 500 Price to Earnings' Ratio History
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the S&P 500 over the decades and explores trends. Price to earnings ratio and earnings yield are explained. Two charts are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The History of Accounting and its Career Benefits
This 6-page paper examines the history of the accounting profession and explains why someone might choose accounting as a career based on its history. The essay discusses accounting in ancient times, as well as the first chartered accountant group and double-entry bookkeeping. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
History, Revolution, and Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto
This 5 page report discusses The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Karl Marx’s declaration, in the most simplistic terms, was that all events are determined by economic forces. The Manifesto was much more than a “literary and philosophical work,” -- it was also a revolutionary document, a plan to battle and a call to arms, and a reflection of the history of humanity in the Western world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Wealth and its History
This 7 page paper examines the history of wealth, from capitalism to the Industrial Revolution to Adam Smith and more. This paper provides many examples of how wealth was originally created, and the circumstances which allowed for this opportunity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Economics as the Driving Force of History
4 pages in length. That some historians claim history's driving force is economic in nature recognizes the unmistakable glare of man's constant quest for more, a notion that has not only maintained a perpetual separation of social class but also caused considerable suffering as a direct result. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Economic History Of The Pacific Northwest
This 2.5 page paper reports some of the characteristics of the economy in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia since the 1930s. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Federal Reserve: Its History and a Prediction on What It Will Do
This 3 page paper examines the history of the FRB and what it might do in the future. Interest rates are the focus of attention.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Johnson and Kaplan's Relevance Lost The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting Reviewed
This is a 10 page paper reviewing the book “Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting” by H. Thomas Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan first published in 1987 and has since been printed over nine times. The book is extremely relevant in its recognition of the importance of the development of the management accounting discipline over its course in history and the realization that the system must be drastically updated in order to be effective in today’s global competitive industries.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Post September 11th American Economy
A 6 page overview of the contemporary state of the U.S. economy. Analyzes the effect of the destruction of the World Trade Center, the partial destruction of the Pentagon, and the consequent perception of a continued terrorism on the economy. Asserts that while the economy was at a low even before the attacks, it has suffered significantly as a direct result of those attacks. Includes data which backs up those assertions. Suggests that appropriate means are being taken to stabilize the economy and that the U.S. government, business, and individuals alike play an important role in that stabilization. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Nursing Education Bill
A 6 page examination of literature and discussion pertaining to the Nursing Education and Quality of Health Care Act of 2007 (S. 1604). The purpose of this legislation is primarily to increase the nation’s workforce in regards to well-educated nurses. By 2014, current estimates predict that the nation will need 1.2 million new and replacement nurses (Clinton, 2007). The bill now before the Senate will provide funding for grants and other financial programs in rural communities, which is a strategy intended to encourage the “recruitment and retention of nursing students, nursing faculty and nurses who serve in rural areas” (Clinton, 2007). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Henry Ford and His Impact on Economics
This 3 page paper discusses Henry Ford and the way in which his policies impacted American economics. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Gold and Urbanization in Johannesburg
A 20 page research paper that describes in detail the role that the gold economy played in the founding, growth and urbanization of Johannesburg, South Africa. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
India's Economy Analyzed
An 8 page research paper that examines the economy of India. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
The History of the Financial Markets
This 8 page paper looks at the history of the financial markets. Starting with Ancient Rome and the etairia the paper looks at the development of investments in shares, the emergence of stock brokers and the stock markets as well as the way bubbles have developed as a result of economic and investor influences. The paper focuses on the period up to and including the nineteenth century. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
The Onset of the Depression
An 11 page paper answering 8 questions about the origins of the Great Depression and whether the same events could happen today. Some questions ask for the writer's opinion, and that is reflected consistently in the message that we need less government, not more. The paper recommends that the salvation of Social Security could be that Congress is prevented from skimming off surpluses that should remain in the fund, while simultaneously implementing a different system based on the example of Singapore's Provident Fund in which individuals are required to contribute to accounts that they have responsibility for managing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Depression in the United States and Roosevelt's Efforts at Relief
A 3 page paper which examines what caused the Depression and how FDR’s “New Deal” package of domestic programs attempted to achieve economic recovery for the United States. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Comparing the Economic Depressions Between the US and Japan
This 9-page paper compares the similarities between the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s, and the depression Japan currently experiences. Topics under discussion include fiscal policy, monetary policy, consumer spending and bank failures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 6-page paper offers comparisons between the Great Recession and Great Depression. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
S and P 500 Price to Earnings' Ratio History
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the S&P 500 over the decades and explores trends. Price to earnings ratio and earnings yield are explained. Two charts are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Ethical Problems Related to the Global Recession
This 3 page paper focuses on problems in 2009 and what caused them. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Economic Bubbles
Economic or speculative bubbles have been seen over many centuries where investors seek to make a profit and assets become over valued. This 16 page paper looks at some of the bubbles that have impacted on the United States of America, starting wit the Mississippi Bubble looking at a range of bubbles through to the dot com bubble which collapsed in 2000 the paper discuses different types of bubbles and the boom and bust cycle many have created and considers the underlying economic theories that explain the occurrence and patterns associated with bubbles. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Bubbles in Asset Pricing
A 10 page paper discussing historical bubbles including the Dutch bulb craze, the South Sea Company in 1711 and South Florida real estate in the 1920s. The paper answers several questions regarding asset valuation, particularly in association with the fallout of the tech sector beginning in March 2000. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Explaining the Recession of 2001
This 11 page paper looks at various theories for the recession. There is some focus on consumer confidence and the fact that businesses have been spending less. Global factors are examined as well. Information from the 1990s on is discussed in an effort to determine causation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
North and South America Differences and Their Reasons
This 3 page paper takes an economic look at these two continents. The theories of Stanley Engerman and Ken Sokoloff are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Causes of the Great Depression of the Thirties
A 10 page evaluation of the causes behind the great depression of the 1930s. Suggests that the stock market crash of 1929 was only one of many factors which led up to the Depression. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Great Britain's Great Depression of 1873 to 1896
During the period of 1873 – 1896 growth in world trade was very low. Various depression were seen throughout the world, this 3 page paper considers Great Britain and identifies who the winners and the losers were in relation to the depression in Britain. The bibliography cites 3 sources
The Airline Industry - Effects of Deregulation from WW2 to Today
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of airline deregulation. The economic impacts of deregulation are examined in depth. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Financial Crises and Panic
A 10 page paper discussing both the book 'Mania, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises' by Charles Poor Kindleberger and commenting on its applicability to current times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
An Analysis of the Stock Market Crash of 1987
The event is examined and analyzed in this 24 page paper. The voices of analysts who both predicted a bull market and a bear market shortly before the crash are heard. The event is analyzed to see what lessons can be learned and applied to the future. Whether or not a similar event is likely to happen again is addressed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Fictional Account of the 1929 Stock Market Crash
A 7 page fictional story of living through the 1929 stock market crash, plus a 2 page commentary on events in the paper and how "my" strong points of common sense pulled "me and my family" through. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
1980s 'Reaganomics' and Its Positive Effects
A 10 page paper that considers the positive impact of Reaganomics on the American economic climate of the 1980s. This paper determines that not only did Reagan face a difficult and already determine economic path set by years of mismanagement, but the systems that were implemented under his Administration were the most significant economic changes created in decades. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Status of the American Economy
A 5 page paper on the state of global economics. The writers discusses where the U.S. stands in the world of economics and the likelihood of it being able to maintain it's rank as the global economic leader. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
1990s' American Economy
A variety of economic indicators are reviewed in this 5 page overview that looks at the years between 1990 and 1998. A look at the past explains how the nineties economy came to be and, more importantly, how the various indicators are used to assess its health. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The 1999 Anatolian Fault Catastrophe
A 4 page paper examining the August 1999 disaster in Turkey. History of the Anatolian fault summarized. Social, economic and political ramifications also noted.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Stock Market Crash of 1929
A 5 page research paper on the 1929 stock market crash. The writer recounts how the nation was told, up until the crash actually occurred, that everything was all right. The details of the crash are given, along with a brief synopsis of where the country stood when the Depression bottomed out in 1932. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Social Security Program Understanding
8 pages in length. Explains the Social Security program, why it is likened to a pyramid scheme and the future of Social Security. A person who retired in 1940 earned a return on his contributions of approximately one hundred thirty five percent. Those type rates did not last too long, but the returns were still very good. The rate of return was twenty-four percent for those who retired in 1950, fifteen percent in 1960, and ten percent in 1970. This paper also tells 'the rest of the story'. Includes 2 charts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
England's 1999 Rise in Interest Rates
This 7 page paper presents a critical analysis of the rise in interest rates brought on by the Bank of England. An overall macroeconomic analysis is provided along with explanations of monetarism versus Keynesian economic theory. Projections for the future health of the English economy are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
A UK Flat Tax Proposal Analysis
This 5 page paper looks at how a flat tax system might affect the UK. Special attention is paid to the effect such a system would have on social programs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Tiger Economies and Their Lessons
This 5 page paper looks at the role of government intervention in the U.S. economy by using the tiger economies as examples. Singapore and Taiwan are highlighted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Mortgage and Savings' Interest Rates
This 10 page paper looks at interest rates on mortgages and savings. A short history of the banking industry is included in this paper that contemplates why banks charge so much for loans. High interest rates on credit cards are discussed. Charts including various interest rates are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
The Spending Habits of America
This 10 page paper contends that while many believe that Americans are not saving enough, there are valid reasons for it. Generation X and boomers are compared, and the current way of spending money and using credit is considered. The 2000's are compared to the 1950's. Bibliography lists 8 sources
Twenty First Century Labor
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the issues related to the labor developments in the past 30 years, and relates the issues of past labor movements to the future of labor developments in the emerging global economy. This paper considers current issues and the way in which these will shape the labor movement of the 21st century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
History and Philosophy of the Federal Rerserve
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the Federal Reserve System inclusive of historical information. Events which led up to its inception in 1913 are explained. Keynesianism is touched on and the FRB's actions are discussed philosophically. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
1930s' U.S. Transformation
This 5 page paper considers the views of the United States between 1929 and 1939 and the transformation of significant economic and social issues during this era. In particular, this paper outlines the views presented in Frederick Allen's book Since Yesterday, and assesses the implications for understanding the overall impact of the business creed during this era. No additional sources cited.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.