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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 6 page report discusses the interaction between alfalfa crops and a common weed. The weed chosen for examination is Barbarea vulgaris, most commonly known as 'yellow rocket.' Yellow rocket is usually biennial or perennial with some plants flowering, setting seed and dying after their first growing season; reproducing only by seed but the seeds are notable for their ability to germinate with minimal soil requirements. Yellow rocket and other weeds reduce alfalfa production during establishment by competing with and choking out young alfalfa seedlings, invade established alfalfa fields, and reducing forage quality and yield. Several aspects of intervention and eradication are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 4 page argumentative paper explains why abortion should be legal. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 10 page paper that postulates that under modern technology, a computer cannot tell a lie. The writer uses intelligent references and humor to explain why today's computer cannot lie because it cannot yet "think"--using an analogy to Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." To prove the technological thesis, the paper discusses thoughts about the human brain, digital "thinking," digital v. neural nets, and how SW programs are helping humans think in their creative endeavors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
11 pages in length. Altruism lives deep in my heart; as such, guiding those who require special assistance has long been a prominent goal for my life's work. Intermingling this objective within both my personal and professional lives has allowed me greater freedom to pursue this objective inasmuch as the passion to achieve carries over from one back to the other; never is there a rift between them whereby I am restricted to cultivate a greater understanding through education and application because I am compelled to "leave it at the door" in a personal sense. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student; the paper looks at why a take over of a compnay may create legal problems in terms of anti-trust issues when a company ends up in with a very dominant position over the company it supplies. The paper then considers the reason why a compnay would want to arrange meeting to stop the litigation and the potential way a valuation of the company may take place. The bibliography cites 2 sources.