• Recent Papers

    • The Importance of Voting

      This 5 page paper gives an explanation of why voting is important. This paper includes things such as voting laws in Kansas and why people Americans choose not to vote. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Disabled and Issues in Sexuality

      Many people have misconceptions about individuals with disabilities and sexuality issues. This article corrects these fallacies and reports an empirical research study that focused on the beliefs of rehabilitation counselors in terms of the importance of different sexuality issues to address during rehabilitation. There is one source used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • A Method to Make Decisions

      There are many types of decisions made in organizations every day. This essay discusses a decision making process but within the discussion the writer explains satisficing and optimizing decisions, the Carnegie model, and programmed and nonprogrammed decisions. There are six sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • The Effects of Cyber Bullying on Adolescents

      This research paper addresses the topic of cyber bullying as an issue that negatively affects the health of adolescents. Ten pages in length, three years of which are an annotated bibliography, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Poverty's Effects

      This research paper addresses poverty's effects on educational outcomes. The writer discusses issues pertaining to education and special education, the social and emotional status of families, and the impact of teacher expectations. Five pages in length, which includes an abstract, seven sources are cited. ... MORE

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