• Recent Papers


      Provides answers to Danish retailer Tiger's case study, concerning innovation. Discussed are how the marketing and operations functions can help this retailer become more innovative. There are 2 sources listed in the bibliography of this 6-page paper. ... MORE

    • Muckraking and Yellow Journalism

      This paper is on "yellow journalism" and "muckraking," which are styles of journalism that were popular in the late nineteenth/early twentieth centuries. The writer defines the terms and offers examples, such as William Randolph Hearst's promotion of the Spanish American War, in regards to yellow journalism, and Upton Sinclair as the best known muckraker. Three pages in length, two sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Title IX Violations Colleges

      Sexual harassment is covered under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. The EEOC defines this as unwelcome sexual advances and provides examples. Sexual harassment is often found on college/university campuses and not just between professors and students. Rapes also occurs too often on campuses. This paper discusses these issues with data and court cases. There are six sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • CRM and Business Management

      In a paper of three pages, the author relates the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) in business management. The author identifies articles that provide a range of views of this issue in the business environment. Major themes are identified. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... MORE

    • Instructional Technology at Lakenheath High School

      In a three page paper, the author identifies research on the use of instructional technology for Lakenbeath High School. This author located four research articles on the use of technology and the development of technology-based activities for use in instruction. There are four sources that are evaluated for support for specific instructional technologies. There are four sources used in this paper. ... MORE

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