• Recent Papers

    • Intelligence Agents and Artificial Intelligence

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation of artificial intelligence today. This paper includes things such as Hilary Clinton's campaign and social media. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE


      covers strategic positioning and environmental analysis for the fictitious product, Humming Bird All Natural Drinks. There are 6 sources in the bibliography of this 9-page paper. ... MORE

    • Position Paper Cock and Bull

      This 5 page paper gives an example of a position paper on the story Cock and Bull by Will Self. This paper includes how the ending of the story was meant to mess with the reader's mind. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Five Themes for Increasing Performance

      Management was first studied during the early years of the industrial revolution. Theories and practices have changed dramatically since then. What has not changed is the continual search for ways to increase a company's performance. For that to happen, employees must perform at higher levels. This essay reacts to and reflects on an article entitled, "Creating High Performances Workplaces" by Martin Staubus who describes five themes related to performance. There is one sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • How Some Government Mandates are Paid For

      This paper provides a summary of one article by Joyce McKnight entitled "Public Funding of Human Services from the "Poor Laws" until Today." It is enlightening to learn that many of today's programs are similar to those begun centuries and decades ago but with different titles and in some cases, different mandates. Examples are included to demonstrate how programs in the 1700s and 1800s provided the foundation for human service and social welfare programs today. There is one source listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

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