• Recent Papers

    • Sacrificing Liberty for Security, 9/11 Restrictions

      This argumentative essay states a position against the restrictions imposed under the Patriot Act due to 9/11. At the end of the essay, the writer explains the use of ethos, pathos and logos arguments used in the essay. Three pages in length, three sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Serial Killers as Celebrities in America

      This 7 page paper gives a perspective on serial killers in the media. This paper includes how serial killers are portrayed as heroes and celebrities in America. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE

    • Politics and Health

      If public health and health care could be integrated, it would result in numerous benefits, however, there are barriers and challenges related to this integration. This essay discusses health care as a right or privilege, politics and health issues, and the determinants needed for high quality public health. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE


      Provides information on University of Maryland University College's strategic position, as well as where it is from a competitive standpoint with other schools. SWOT, PESTLE and comparative analyses are included. There are 7 sources listed in the bibliography of this 8-page paper. ... MORE

    • What Causes Birth Defects

      A teratogen is a substance that can cause birth defects/congenital abnormalities. It could also related to the pregnant woman being exposed to something, like rubella. Some of teratogens are identified and discussed. The second part of the paper discusses: how do heredity and early experiences influence brain organization. There are five sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

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