• Recent Papers

    • Legalizing Marijuana Compared to the Prohibition

      Special interest groups and propaganda played a strong role in Prohibition and they have played a strong role in drug laws today, particularly with marijuana. This paper considers policies. the amendment that banned alcohol and why and the amendment that repealed it. This is compared to the legalization of marijuana with data regarding revenue in Colorado. A policy is recommended with justification. There are seventeen sources used in this ten page paper. ... MORE


      A critique on an article concerning a study about child protection work and clinical psychologists in Scotland. There are 6 sources listed in the bibliography of this 6-page paper. ... MORE

    • Teenage Substance Abuse Treatment

      Most programs intended to stop teenagers from using and abusing substances fail because the teenager does not want to be there and they have no intention of cooperating. There are, however, some evidence-based effective programs for adolescents, one of which is The Seven Challenges. This paper reports the latest data on teenage substance use, then, launches directly into describing and explaining this program. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE


      An essay discussing the human responsibility toward natural resources and the natural world. There are 3 sources listed in the bibliography of this 5-page paper. ... MORE

    • Case Summary: Tax Evasion Trial of Al Capone

      This 5 page paper gives an explanation of the case for tax evasion against Al Capone. This paper includes a two page annotated bib and a summary of the case against Al Capone. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ... MORE

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