• Recent Papers

    • Nature vs. Nurture

      There are many theories about intelligence and there are some debates about it. Gardner proposed multiple intelligences while Sternberg proposed three aspects. Each is briefly discussed and the writer selects one that is applicable to self. The essay also discusses the impact of nature on intelligence and provides opinions on nurture vs. nature. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Winning Women's Rights

      The right to vote is one of the most cherished of women's rights. With it comes other rights. There are three sources in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Events of 9/11/Terrorism

      This paper offers a comprehensive overview of criminological theories and the War on Terror. Twenty-six pages in length, twenty sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Can God and Evil Co-exist

      One of the questions that has plagued theologians, Biblical scholars, philosophers and others has to do with God and evil. How can God and evil both exist in the same space. This paper offers a dissertation proposal to investigate that question. There are six sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Proper Nutrition and Exorcise to Eliminate Eating Disorders

      This paper contends that the measures that are needed to address obesity are the same as those needed to address binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. These measures revolve around education and public policy. There are five sources listed in this five page paper. ... MORE

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