• Recent Papers

    • Franz Kafka and the Big Bug

      There are four central themes in Kafka's Metamorphosis: the absurdity of life, the disconnect between mind and body, the limits of sympathy, and alienation. It is the last one, alienation, that is explored in this essay. Some of the many interpretations of this story are reported along with the writer's own opinions. There are five sources used in this five page paper. ... MORE


      This 3-page paper provides an example of a personal statement/essay for an individual interested in attending medical school. ... MORE

    • Child Sexual Abuse among Hispanics and TF-CBT

      This research paper presents a literature review that pertains to research that addresses child sexual abuse occurring within Hispanic families. The writer focuses particularly on trauma focused/informed cognitive behavioral therapy. Five pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Teenage Substance Abuse Treatment

      Most programs intended to stop teenagers from using and abusing substances fail because the teenager does not want to be there and they have no intention of cooperating. There are, however, some evidence-based effective programs for adolescents, one of which is The Seven Challenges. This paper reports the latest data on teenage substance use, then, launches directly into describing and explaining this program. There are four sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Traveling: Washington DC

      This 4 page paper gives an explanation about traveling to Washington DC. This paper includes not only things to do when going to Washington DC, but also how to prepare for the trip. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

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