• Recent Papers


      Focuses on the attributes of a successful compensation package to attract and retain a qualified nursing administrator. There are 4 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE

    • Abuse Cases, Elder and Child Abuse

      This paper first describes 2 cases of abuse, one that pertains to elder abuse and the other to child sexual abuse. Then, the writer discusses the impact that abuse has on the lives of victims. Three pass in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • How to Possibly Reduce Poverty, Crime, and Drug Abuse in Cities

      This 3 page paper gives a proposition for an urban project to reduce poverty, crime, and drug abuse. This paper includes family and community and how it relates to criminal activity. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • Residencies for Registered Nurses

      It is well known that there is a significant shortage of registered nurses that will continue to grow. There is a difference of opinion about how prepared new graduates are when they begin work in a clinical setting. Nurse leaders do not think they are all prepared. The IOM published a report with several recommendations to remedy these situations. This essay discusses one of those recommendations-residencies for nurses. Examples of successful programs are included. Other sections include a problem statement, data regarding nurses, attrition, background on the problem, and a recommendation to resolve some of the issues. There are eight sources listed in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Five Themes for Increasing Performance

      Management was first studied during the early years of the industrial revolution. Theories and practices have changed dramatically since then. What has not changed is the continual search for ways to increase a company's performance. For that to happen, employees must perform at higher levels. This essay reacts to and reflects on an article entitled, "Creating High Performances Workplaces" by Martin Staubus who describes five themes related to performance. There is one sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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