• Recent Papers

    • Over-Reliance on the Familiar/Golden Hammer

      This paper pertains to the Golden Hammer fallacy, as expressed by Abraham Maslow. This concept indicates the tendency of researchers, and others, to rely on one tool or one methodology simply because it is familiar and has been useful in the past. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative: Social Impact Assessment

      This 3 page paper gives an example of social impact assessment that is needed to make a plan for corporate social responsibility. This paper includes discussions of environment, ethical business practices, and other human rights issues. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Age 18 or 21

      There is some controversy over the ages 18 and 21. For instance, in some states a person who is 18 can order an alcoholic beverage but in most states, the age is 21. Seems ridiculous given the fact that so many people younger than 21 are serving for their country. The age of emancipation from foster care also differs by state, mostly it is 18 but in some states, it is 21. This essay discusses articles that reported studies about the outcomes for foster kids. They are mostly negative. The outlook is much more positive in states where the age is 21. Included for each article are: theoretical or conceptual framework, methodology, design, and conclusions. A visual graphic that reflects the concepts in each study along with statistical data are included. There are three sources listed in the bibliography of this six page paper. ... MORE

    • Major Depressive Disorder, An Overview

      This paper presents a comprehensive overview pertaining to this disorder. Fourteen pages in length, twenty-five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Corruption Within Criminal Justice System

      This research paper presents a project proposal that will examine the topic of corruption in criminal justice system, emphasizing corruption within police departments in the US. Nine pages in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

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