• Recent Papers

    • Different Versions for the Biblical Flood

      This report identifies and discusses different sources for Noah and the Flood. There were four much older stories of such a flood although the causes, duration, and motives differ. Each is briefly explained with comments about how these may have been used as sources for the Biblical story. There are three sources listed in the bibliography of this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Sex and Disability: Response to Research

      This essay presents the writer's response to the study conducted by Pebdani (2013), which pertains to the topic of sexual counseling for disabled clients. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

    • Gender Norm Project

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of reactions that the writer noticed when doing a gender norm violation project. This paper includes some information on gender norms in society, as well as how this relates to the gender project done by the writer. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE

    • An Overview of Language

      This essay presents a brief overview of why people need language, the conditions that govern the sort of language that people employ, and why languages can die. Four pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Written Language, The Mayan Civilization

      This research paper presents a comprehensive overview of research that pertains to Mayan civilization and its system of writing. Eight page in length, eight sources are cited. ... MORE

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