• Recent Papers


      Examines potential risk faced by Sandile Security when it comes to hiring potential criminals for security positions, and how to mitigate that risk. There are 10 sources listed in the bibliography of this 15-page paper. ... MORE

    • "Cancer Alley" and Environmental Justice

      This paper describes the case made against Shell Oil Company by the residents of "Cancer Alley," a stretch of the Mississippi with a high incidence of pollution caused by oil refineries as well as a high incidence of cancer. Three pages in length, one source is cited. ... MORE

    • How is Strategy Developed

      How is strategy created in organizations? This question has led to numerous journal articles, research studies, and books. There are many theories about how strategy is created in an organization and to gain more insight, this essay briefly discusses four journal articles and one book chapter. The writer points out the similarities and differences and evaluates the state of literature based on these readings. There are five sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE


      Examines the ethics of Mark Hurd's leadership during his tenure at Hewlett-Packard. Discussions focus on the corporate spying and alleged sexual harassment scandals. There are 6 sources listed in the bibliography of this 7-page paper. ... MORE

    • Perspectives of Jesus

      The four Gospels in the Holy Bible offer a slightly different perspective of Jesus Christ, what he was like. This essay explains the portrait of Christ according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It also identifies the different titles for Christ found in John 1. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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