ESSAY ON: The Lives, Speeches and Writings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

Number of Pages 12

This research paper: This is a 12 page paper on the lives, accomplishments and writings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both visionaries in the way the dedicated their lives and writings to the pursuit of equality for African Americans. Their methods are perceived as slightly different however as King is associated with his pacifist approach to the fight for freedom and equality whereas Malcolm X is more often remembered for his somewhat more radical and active approach. Both men were born into the Baptist religion and their fathers were both preachers in the Church. King’s father, Martin Luther King Sr., believed that strict morals, integrity and the cooperation with the whites would bring about the eventual equality of African Americans which was reflected a great deal in his son’s mission. Malcolm X’s father, Earl Little, was a much more radical speaker in the civil movement which led to his eventual death by white supremacists. Malcolm X later converted to the Muslim religion which he felt better represented his beliefs. Despite their different backgrounds, both King and Malcolm X eventually gave their own lives to the cause of equality and freedom they so deeply believed in and their writings and actions are still used in the fight for African Americans and the equality of all races of men today. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

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