• Recent Papers


      An overview of metrics and statistics used to ascertain quality measures by Brooke Army Medical Center. Also listed are potential obstacles with quality implementation. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 4-page paper. ... MORE

    • The Most Common Cause of Liver Diseases

      Hepatitis C is a disease that evolves, which means it can build up immunities to treatments. It is the most common cause of chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis and cancer. This essay discusses diagnosis, global incidence of the disease, effects, comorbidities, and treatment. There are ten sources used in this seven page paper. ... MORE

    • Consumer Cooperation for Rate Increase: BC Hydro

      This 3 page paper gives an overview of the company BC Hydro. This paper includes a discussion of the campaign by BC Hydro to convince the customers of how useful the rate increase will be for them. Bibliography lists 1 source. ... MORE

    • Proper Nutrition and Exorcise to Eliminate Eating Disorders

      This paper contends that the measures that are needed to address obesity are the same as those needed to address binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. These measures revolve around education and public policy. There are five sources listed in this five page paper. ... MORE

    • Office Supply Stores

      Discount stores and e-commerce stores have created major challenges for specialty types of stores, like Office Depot, the second largest office supplies and services company in the company. They were once the largest in North America. This paper focuses on Office Depot's business strategies with examples. It comments on the acquisition of Office Max in 2013 and now, Staple's acquisition of Office Depot. There are six sources used in this four page paper. ... MORE

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