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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
3 pages in length. Cultivating such intestinal fortitude after growing up surrounded by fear, self-loathing, sexual abuse and a sense of abandonment, Maya Angelou proved how one can rally back amidst what may otherwise be a lost and troublesome existence. Examining her remarkable path from an awkward and insecure childhood to a poised and self-assured adulthood, one may well attribute much of this progression to John Dewey's Progressivism Theory. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A 10 page paper which examines two poems as they relate to women being portrayed as the “other” in a male dominated society. The poems are Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers by Adrienne Rich and Still I Rise by Maya Angelou. No additional sources cited.
A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.
This 5 page paper discusses Maya Angelou’s life and four of her poems, and argues that many of the things that happened to her in her life are expressed through her poetry. Bibliography lists 7 sources.