• Recent Papers

    • Parts of Linguistics

      Linguistics is the study of language and how people make and understand the meanings of 'utterances.' There are numerous components and subcomponents within the field of linguistics and language acquisition. This paper discusses two major parts of linguistics, semantics and pragmatics. Each is explained and discussed along with differences and how we use them every day. There are ten sources used in this eight page paper. ... MORE

    • Another Politics and Critical Thinking

      Chris Dixon wrote a book entitled Another Politics: Talking Across Today's Transformative Politics. For this paper, the writer reviews an interview with Dixon about some of the major ideas in his book. On a different note, Stephan Brookflied has talked and written about developing critical thinking and reflection. This paper reviews one video where Brookflied discusses his ideas. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

    • Total Joint Patients, Decreasing Infections

      This research paper pertains to decreasing surgical site infections in total joint arthroplasty patients. The writer draws on research in outlining the parameters of a project that pertains to this issue. Fifteen pages in length, thirteen sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Mitosis, Lung Cancer

      This research paper pertains to the role that mitosis plays in lung cancer. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ... MORE

    • Another Process to Solve Problems

      This essay describes an issue at a store, the manager has determined what the problem is, and implements a decision making process. That process is compared to Vroom and Jago's process. There are two sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE

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