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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
This 8 page paper discusses the causes of rapid urbanization during the last half of the 19th century, with an emphasis on the last decades of that century. The writer explains there were many factors contributing to the exploding population in cities, including industrialization and immigration. Comments regarding the factors involved in industrialization allow the connection to be made between urbanization and industrialization. Data regarding the population of cities, particularly New York and data regarding immigration are provided. The writer also discusses the consequences of urbanization, such as corruption, unsanitary living conditions and other effects. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
6 pages in length. Dresden, Germany, has experienced more urbanization than many other global communities; that the city was forced to reconstruct itself not once but twice speaks to the overwhelming internal fortitude of its people. The extent to which Dresden lost a significant part of its inward presence, however, is directly associated with the extent to which the city's original and distinctive architectural identity was destroyed in the process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A paper which looks at the concept of community in view of the changing perceptions of the city, the impact of urbanisation and the growth of the suburbs, and the role which the media might play in re-establishing the traditional idea of the community. Bibliography lists 3 sources
This 10-page paper answers ten question on urbanization. Bibliography lists 9 sources. (Please note, each question starts on a separate page.)
A 6 page paper discussing Baghdad, one of the largest cities in the Middle East. Baghdad’s population represents approximately 25 percent of Iraq’s total population. A “typical” modern city that also serves as a nation’s capital city, conditions in Baghdad are such that all standards of living are represented there. Baghdad exhibits characteristics common in the process of urbanization, though the progress has been altered by war and international sanctions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.