Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Akhenaten: Heretic Not Religious
6 pages in length. While at first glance it may appear as though Akhenaten took his father's teachings and built upon them so as to enrich the lives of his people, he actually distorted the fundamental value of what Amenhotep III had taught him by altering the foundation of Egyptian piety with an unexpected and unprecedented display of extremism. Whether he misinterpreted through ignorance or purposely misconstrued his father's idea of establishing a living sun god, it can readily be argued how Akhenaten placed the entire society into a state of disbelief when he proclaimed Aten the one and only god to be worshipped, casting aside all the others as no longer belonging to the Egyptian civilization, disregarding best interests of his constituency in the process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Egypt and Mesopotamia: Geography
A 3 page paper which examines the geographical influence on the political and intellectual outlooks of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Impact of Geography on the Development of City-States in Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley
This 3 page paper discusses the impact the geography – specifically the rivers – had on the development of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Aloe's History and Use
A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Pyramid Constructions and Mathematical Applications by the Ancient Egyptians
In 12 pages, the author discusses how the ancient Egyptians used mathematics to build the pyramids. . It is apparent that mathematics was used in the building of the ancient pyramids of Egypt. One only has to look at the size, the dimensions, and the structure of the pyramids to understand this concept. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
3 Articles Analyzed Pertaining to Twenty Fifth Egypt Dynasty Kush History Until Meroe Concentration
This is a 7 page paper discussing three articles on Kush history from the 25th dynasty in Egypt until their concentration in Meroe. The history of the Kush of Nubia is recounted in three articles by Helen Chapin Metz, Claude Rilly and Noah Kippley-Ogman. The Kush were concentrated in Nubia until the expansion of their strength and influence eventually led to them conquering Egypt around 750 B.C. and ruled during the 25th dynasty until approximately 656 B.C. At this time, they were invaded by the Assyrians which led to their retreat to Napata and eventually Meroe. Once concentrated in Meroe, the Kush became a major trading force based on their central location and production and trade of their own iron. Eventually however, the Kush became weakened through the exploitation of their own resources which led to the loss of their farming industry and the end of the Roman empire which reduced trade along their route. Meroe was eventually conquered by the Axumite army A.D. 350 thus ending their independence. Metz, Rilly and Kippley-Ogman provide slightly different perspectives, details and areas of concentration in their articles which provide readers with an overall history of the Kush but are not necessarily consistent in the details of each era of the Kush.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Marco Polo, Herodotus, and Their Histories
A 5 page paper which examines the historical
presentations offered in Herodotus’ “Histories” and Marco Polo’s “The Travels of Marco
Polo.” No additional sources cited.
Disputes and Western Civilization History
A 3 page paper which examines whether
the disputes of Western Civilization were fought because of conflicts over territory or
ideas. The works cited are Margaret L. Mead’s “Western Civilization: A Social and
Cultural History” and Jackson J. Spielvogel’s “Western Civilization: A Brief History.”
No additional sources cited.
Ancient History's Contemporary Social Influence
A 5 page paper which examines how ancient history in Egypt, China, Greece, and India have influenced our societies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Egyptian Literature, Indus Valley, and Feudalism
A 4 page paper which examines Egyptian literature, the Indus Valley civilization, and the characteristics of feudalism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Arab Seafaring by George Hourani
7 pages in length. The vastness of George Hourani's "Arab Seafaring" explores well beyond the standardized version of sea trade history and its eventual impact upon the world; rather, this particular historic rendering takes myriad other elements into account when describing one of the most important episodes in commerce. While the author does, indeed, address the fundamental aspects of sea trade history as it relates to the time before Christ, the Arabs, the Indian Ocean and ultimately to China and East Africa, one might readily argue that the much more interesting components of Hourani's account stem from his detailed descriptions of other heretofore undisclosed content, such as travel particulars, geographic interests, meteorology and highly illustrative visual images of the very vessels that made these seafaring journeys over and over again. Also integral to the overall comprehensiveness of Hourani's book is the impact of lighthouses, maritime handbooks and other invaluable guiding instruments, as well as that of piracy and everyday sea life upon the sailors. Unquestionably, Arab Seafaring is one of the most exhaustive accounts of its kind that paints a complete and detailed literary picture of what it meant to be involved with seafaring commerce during these centuries. No additional sources cited.
African History: The Bible and Africa
A 10 page paper which examines the history of Africa through the Bible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Theories of the Egyptian Pyramids
This 9 page paper outlines how the Egyptian pyramids were built by credible sources and explores nonconventional theories as well. Information about mathematics used by the Egyptians is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Cleopatra VII
This 5 page paper discusses the actions and decisions of Cleopatra, and why she behaved as she did. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
This 3 page paper describes some of the characteristics of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Building Egyptian Pyramids
An eight page paper which looks at methods of investigating the validity of primitive construction and building methods, with particular reference to the Egyptian Pyramids and several current theories as to how they might have been built. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Aloe's History and Use
A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Religions of Ancient Egypt
This 8 page paper provides an overview of this issue. The communities of Ancient Egypt from the 1st to the 18th dynasties were highly defined by an emerging sense of public representations of religion. Prior to the 1st dynasty, approximately 4000 B. C., religion was not an imperative component of the public administration of communities, but this changed around 3050 BC, and resulted in the progression of established religious practices and religious ideals that were prevalent for the next 17 dynasties. Though substantial changes occurred over the span of the time between the 1st and 18th dynasties, the resulting views of religion relative to the progression of Egyptian society demonstrates the importance of the base of religion in the 1st dynasty. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ancient Egypt and What it Means to Be Part of an Empire
A 3 page paper which examines whether or not it was greatly beneficial to nations to be a part of the great Egyptian empire. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Nile River of Ancient Egypt
A 3 page paper which examines ancient life on the Nile River in Egypt. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Ancient Egyptians
An 8 page paper on the ancient Egyptians. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Impact of Geography on the Development of City-States in Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley
This 3 page paper discusses the impact the geography – specifically the rivers – had on the development of civilization in ancient Mesopotamia and the Nile River Valley. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Syria's 'New' Politics
(5 pp) Syria and the United States have balanced
on a delicate political tightrope for years. In
October of 1991 the two began discussions in
Madrid, concerning the fate of peace between the
two countries, and indeed peace in the Arab world.
Within that same tenuous balance, is the fact
that Syria ,is known to house volatile terrorists,
that are a danger to United States citizens
anywhere in the world, as well as a danger to the
world, and her citizens. This discussion will
examine current politics after the death of Syria's
30 year ruler. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Language and Understanding the World
This 5 page paper considerers the development of language in the forms known today and if they have been advantageous in furthering the understanding of the world. This is considered by looking back to the development of language and the way it correlates with an increased understanding of the world to assess the link between language and world understanding. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Western European Impact of the Vikings
A 3 page overview of the impacts these warriors had on the world, particularly on Western Europe. The author emphasizes that while the Vikings are often remembered in a negative light they also had positive impacts on the regions they invaded. Bibliography lists two sources.
Semitic Origins of the Hyksos
A 5 page research paper exploring the origins of the Hyksos who seized and ruled Egypt during the 15th and 16th Dynasties. Although their origins were thought to date back to Old Testament Hebrew by very early scholars (First Century AD), it is only in the last thirty years archeological finds have indicated the Hyksos had a strong affiliation with the Canaanites. This paper offers evidence of their origins.
Ancient Egypt and the Pyramids
An 8 page paper on the great pyramids of ancient Egypt. Focusing upon the Pyramid at Giza, the Pharaoh's pyramids, and more,-- the writer examines architecture, purpose, use, etc; Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Pyramids of Ancient Egypt and Who Built Them
This 6 page paper explores the possibility of alien life through a look at the ancient Egyptian pyramids. The paper concludes that man did make the pyramids but both sides of the issue are addressed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Legitimacy of the Late Ottoman Empire
A 6 page research paper that examines the efforts of the last of the Ottoman sultans to save their failing empire. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Divine Ruler and Ancient Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty
This 5 page paper discusses the role of
the "divine ruler" of this later period
of Egyptian history (320-30BC.) The
concept of kingship is a key to
understanding the development of
Egyptian civilization.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Arab Peninsula's Islamic Expansion
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the rise, factors and expansion of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.