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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 9 page research paper that discusses the effect and prevalence of mental disorders with children and adolescents who are mental retarded. Research suggests that the psychopathology of all mental illness may be higher and more complicated due to the presence of mental retardation. In examining the problem of psychopathology in connection with mental retardation in children and young people, the report also examines the topic from a Christian perspective. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A 3 page research paper that discusses specific ethical issues associated with mental retardation throughout life. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
3 pages in length. The American mindset toward mental illness, mental retardation and addiction has historically been an attitude of disdain and weakness; those who suffered from these conditions have long been considered undesirable fringe of society and best kept at arm's length. In short, Americans want something done about such individuals so they are dealt with and kept out of mainstream society, however, they do not necessarily want to be the ones handed the responsibility. This is a perplexing reaction in today's world given the propensity of mental health problems that exist - both diagnosed and undetected - in what is often heralded as the world's most prosperous and progressive of societies. A significant reason for this mindset is because Americans are vastly undereducated about mental illness, mental retardation and addiction, and too often draw erroneous conclusions about the social value of these struggling individuals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This paper examines the literature and research available for psychosocial (i.e., non-medical or non-invasive) intervention in treatment of mental illness, mental retardation and learning disorders. The paper also examines how to best use the massive amounts of research that is available on this topic, both through the Internet and the library. Bilbiography lists 20 sources
This 10 page paper explores the relevant literature in terms of how to best educate students with mental retardation. This paper highlights many effective studies which highlight promising methods. Bibliography lists 9 sources.