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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
4 pages in length. Absenteeism is manifestation of myriad circumstances within the work environment. From medical issues to job dissatisfaction and poor performance to a sense of appreciation, the extent to which people are absent from work is both grand and far-reaching. Concurrently, Human Resource has the potential for positively influencing the business when accurately able to predict excessive employee absenteeism by behaving proactively so as to alter the precursors of absenteeism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
25 pages. Absenteeism in the workplace is becoming a growing concern for UK employers. Each year the statistics only worsen as the statistics concerning absenteeism continue to mount. Absenteeism costs both time and money as well as having an effect on employee morale. There are solutions that have been effective in slowing down employee absenteeism however, and this paper will consider the methodology, the need for management and control and will make recommendations as to how a company can save itself from the costly problem of employee absenteeism. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
10 pages in length. There exists little tolerance for drug use and abuse at City Ice and Cold Storage. Not only does substance abuse disrupt the flow of day-to-day production because of excessive absenteeism, incessant tardiness and poor job performance, but it also costs the company untold numbers of dollars each year in lost revenue. The writer discusses how drugs – including alcohol – have no place in the work environment, yet there is a significant percentage of workers here at City Ice and Cold Storage who cannot separate their personal lives from their professional lives, creating a potentially volatile situation by haphazardly combining the two. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
An 8 page research paper that addresses the topic of chronic school absenteeism, that is, when a student misses more than 18 days of schools, which is a severe problem that is evident throughout the public school system and not just a phenomenon of the upper grades (Breaoen, 2007). This literature review examines what empirical literature conveys on the topic of elementary school absenteeism. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
A 5 page research paper that looks at the problem of absenteeism in nursing home employees, with particular focus on absenteeism among assistive personnel. Bibliography lists 4 sources.