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Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
A 6 page research paper in which the writer offers a guide to a student who is to conduct observation of two classrooms. This research paper reports on an observation that was conducted that pertained to two classrooms. One teacher was selected because she was perceived as functioning at high level of professional development and this observation is contrasted with the classroom instruction of a teacher who was perceived as having a low level of development. The writer discusses this difference in term of a constructivist approach to pedagogy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A 20 page research paper that offers a discussion and analysis of research findings, as well as suggestions to a student concerning how to prepare a proposal for a planned intervention study that will address the professional development needs of a group of first grade teachers on how to integrate reading and science instruction. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
This 8-page paper is an analysis of the Harvard Business School case study "SuperValu Inc: Professional Development Program." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
A 4 page research paper that consists of 3 small papers on staff development issues, which are the effectiveness of the inquiry model of staff development (1 page); discrepancies between principal's stated beliefs about novice teachers and their own behavior (1 page) and discussion of four propositions on the principal's role toward novice teachers (2 pages). Bibliography lists 2 sources.
5 pages in length. Nursing students with a focus upon pediatric care play an integral role in the overall development and application of standards of care, the transmission of scientific and humanistic caring, professional performance, ethics, as well as the level of competency expected from the industry, all of which directly relates to the level of motivation newly licensed professional nurses experience. When one critically appraises these areas of role development, one must consider a vast array of components that pertain to student interaction: areas needing further development; planned actions to continuously improve professional role; responses to changing societal influences; changing health care needs of people; changing developments in the profession; ability to depict trends, develop strategies and act proactively; and transformation tools learned, how change can be managed and challenges in the transformation of nursing and health care deliver. Bibliography lists 11 sources.